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Image of the Flower of Life at the temple of Osiris, Abydos, Egypt, courtesy of Mohamed Ibrahim

Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH) officially certified, global teachers list:

Listed by Country A-Z

Dana Tir


Dana Tir Mujer Medicina Psicóloga Psicóloga Social Teacher ATIH Teacher EMF Balancing Technique Juntos, desde el Pequeño Espacio del Corazón, acompañamos a la Madre Tierra. Facebook Dana Tir Chamanaurbana Instagram Chamanadana


Elena Burton


My name is Elena Burton, and I am sure that human possibilities are endless. Knowing your inner world, we are able to change ourselves and the quality of our life. ⠀ I am a regressologist, hypnologist, personal development coach, a qualified teacher of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop, meditation and workshops facilitator, and Feng Shui practitioner. 

I like helping people to find their spiritual path, to live their best life by sharing amazing techniques and methods. I was born and raised in Soviet Russia. I believed in science and thought it would help me to understand the world and succeed in life, so I chose to become an engineer and graduated from the Aerospace University.

 I was driven towards knowledge so I didn’t stop there and also received bachelor's degrees in Management and Economics. Looking back, I realize that whatever I was engaged in during my life, wherever I studied or whatever countries I traveled to, all roads lead me to deeper understanding of myself and the outer world. 

I can proudly tell you that I have spent many years reading, studying, researching, and practicing spiritual knowledge. During the time when I was a student at University, I began to realize that life was much more than I thought it was. I had many questions, but couldn't find the answers. At the time modern science and education were not able to help me, thus began my journey back to "understanding" myself, and the mysteries of the Universe. 

I was lucky enough to come across spiritual teaching at the break of the Soviet Union, in a way it was a turning point in my life, since I’ve studied and experienced many more different teachings and spiritual schools around the world with different teachers, as well as practicing yoga, different meditation techniques and attended sacred ceremonies around the world. 

There are several ways of understanding the world, yourself and your place in it - religion, metaphysics, science, and creativity to name a few: I prefer to use all of these ways, as it is now my understanding that each of them can help unlock the puzzle of achieving the rational understanding of the human interaction with the surrounding universe. By sharing these amazing techniques and methods, I am able to help people to find their spiritual path, discover their life purpose, follow their hearts, and to live their best life. This is something I really enjoy. 

For more than 25 years I have been developing in psychology and other disciplines that help to unleash human potential. ⠀ Conducted more than 70 workshops and seminars, about 1000 hours of individual consultations. More than 900 people went through the group and individual work. I traveled a lot. I conducted seminars, workshops and consulted people in different countries: Australia, Russia, Israel, New Zealand, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Armenia, United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic, South Africa, India, Thailand. ⠀

 🎓 Trained and received QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technic) certification from Dolores Kennon, USA. 🎓 I completed a study at the Institute of Hypnosis and NLP in Moscow. 🎓 I studied at the Soul Regression Therapy Academy in Australia. 🎓 I studied coaching at Virtus Coach Academy in Moscow. 🎓 I have the qualification of a practical psychologist from the International Academy of Psychological Sciences. 🎓 Studied at the Feng Shui Institute Lillian Tu, Malaysia, receiving the specialization "Feng Shui Master Practitioner."

 ✔ I can help you change your life for the better. ✔ Help you to understand yourself, achieve your goals, and live your life consciously. ✔ My clients see positive changes after the first consultation. I live in Australia, conduct online/personal sessions, and workshops. It is the greatest gift, which you can give to yourself, returning your consciousness from your mind into your heart and allow your heart to lead you through your life.


Beatriz Moldes Ustariz


Conocí las enseñanzas de Drunvalo con el libro “El secreto ancestral de la Flor de la vida”, desde el momento en el que leí ese libro y tuve la enseñanza de la geometría sagrada tuve la certeza de conocer a Drunvalo y estar en sus talleres presenciales.
En enero del 2012 asistí a mi primer taller con Drunvalo en Ajijic, Guadalajara, México, el momento en que lo vi por primera vez y nos abrazamos fue maravilloso como si nos conociéramos de toda la vida, movió en mi muchas emociones no pude parar de llorar, fue lo más hermoso que viví, conocí gente hermosa un reencuentro con hermanos, en ese momento quise hacerme maestra y en julio 2013 tome el taller de formación de maestros con Drunvalo.


Sandra Luiza Stocco


Sandra Luiza Stocco- Sou formada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, pós-graduada em Direito Tributário, ramo o qual também trabalho sendo Procuradora da Fazenda Nacional no estado do Paraná. Desde criança tinha muita sensitividade, inclusive sensibilidade na percepção onde estava corrente de rios e quando bebê tiveram que mudar o berço de lugar devido a isso. Sou vegetariana desde que nasci. A minha vida espiritual se iniciou desde cedo, com visões e premonições.
Aos 13 anos de idade a minha melhor amiga da Turma de inglês, no Curso Interamericano, movia objetos na minha frente e tinha sonhos lúcidos comigo. Aos 22 anos eu tive a experiência de andar sobre brasas, numa vivência onde cantávamos mantras e músicas brasileiras.
Em 2013, tive a experiência de levitar deitada em um retiro espiritual. Efetivei meu primeiro curso da flor da Vida foi em maio/2009 com Malu Renzo e Eloísa Zarzur Cury, professoras e facilitadoras as quais tenho profundo apreço e gratidão eterna. Em 2009 participei de meu primeiro curso com o querido professor e mestre Drunvalo Melchizedek em 2009.
Após este primeiro curso fiz inúmeros curso com ele, inclusive Earth/Sky, Living in The Heart, Advanced Couse, além do curso em que nos contatamos com os Seres de Plasma (Plasma Beings).
Após participei de cursos presenciais e online com a esposa do Drunvalo, Claudette Melchizedek, professora amável e dedicada, abrindo a minha consciência em níveis profundos chamais imagináveis *beyond imagination *.

Sou eternamente grata a todos que encontrei durante todo o meu percurso . Ministro cursos do despertar do coração iluminado (ATIH) desde 2012 até hoje. Amo o que faço.


Alper Caglayan


Love is the Way Home ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ I was born and raised in the beautiful and ancient lands of Turkey, immersed in a very warm and loving culture. At age 17, my Spiritual Guidance brought me to Canada to attend an international school founded for world peace. It's here that my Spiritual Journey has greatly unfolded. I have been greatly blessed to study many spiritual traditions and to have many amazing teachers and loving mentors over time. 

Among all my experiences, Drunvalo's teachings have always been Closest to my Heart. It's given me the greatest sense of Synchronicity and Guidance in my life and my most Sacred and Deepest Spiritual Experiences.

 In 1996 I took Drunvalo's first training, the Flower of Life. In those 6 days my life was completely transformed and a whole new direction entered into my being. I decided to quit my electrical engineering studies at that time and to devote my life to following my Heart. I have never looked back and it's been a most incredible and rich life journey. 

Even in 1996, I could feel in my Heart that I wanted to be a teacher for these most heart-centred and transformative teachings. After 18 years of closely studying Drunvalo's teachings, I'm very honoured to be one of his teachers in the School of Remembering. I'm a registered clinical counsellor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I feel blessed to work in private practice with individuals, families and couples and I am also a counsellor at a local community college. 

I facilitate Compassionate Communication workshops and practice groups. I delight in sharing these heart-centered teachings with the world. Some of my spiritual and healing studies include being a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shiatsu Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing Practitioner and Attachment Healing Work with Dr Diane Poole Heller. 

The Spiritual Teachings that have been closest to my Heart include esoteric martial arts practices, I AM Teachings of Saint Germain, Soul Journey and Radiant Rose Academy Teachings, Sufism in particular with a very beloved Turkish Sufi Teacher Serif Baba, and many Meditation and Spiritual Lineages from India. 

I have found my counselling training and emotional healing experiences as essential parts of my Spiritual Journey as well. In addition to offering Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshops, I regularly have Meditation Gatherings in Vancouver for everyone who is a graduate of this work. This is a wonderful Community where we have a chance to come together in unity and practice together. 

We are living in Extraordinary Times on Earth. Through Drunvalo's Teachings I have deeply experienced in my Heart that We are Truly One Being and Unconditional Love is the key that opens all doors. One Spirit moves through all things. That Great Spirit is in the eyes of everyone before us. 

The World needs us to live in our Hearts. The time is Now. I am so honoured to work with people who are attracted to these Teachings. If your Heart is calling you to this, I say Jump in with Joy and Trust. You will be jumping back Home to the most Sacred Place of Your Heart. And life begins a new with infinite possibilities. The Heart knows the Way. ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Website:


Tara Sue Moore


No stranger to the challenges of today’s world, from Stockbroker to Firewalker, Tara Sue is a 20 year veteran of the Canadian financial industry, a single mother to 3, and the owner of the Spirit of Oneness wholistic teaching organization and Earth Rocks!!, Crystals and Gifts. 

In addition to a Commerce degree and professional financial designations, She holds certificates in Adult Education, Project Management and Change Management and is a Reiki Master and yoga instructor who practices and teaches a variety of “earth traditions”, including shamanism, drumming, crystal healing and energy work. 

She studies indigenous practices and has completed the initiations and received the rights of passage to become an Andean Mesa Carrier (South American Shaman) Tara facilitates several bodies of work including Heartmath (Emotional Resiliency), Awakening the Illuminated Heart (Journeying your consciousness from your head to your heart), and Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval.


Gladys Diaz Armijo


Mi nombre es Gladys Díaz. Nací en un pueblito precordillerano, campesino y minero, cerca de los verdes campos de trigo, de grandes nogales y de cerros color turqueza, preñados de cobre. Recuerdo como entretención preferente en esa infancia lejana, desafiar al viento, a todo galope mientras mi caballo tragaba lejanías, hasta llegar a la nieve. Crecí arropada con fogones, junto a mujeres viejas que contaban historias mágicas de ángeles, gnomos y elementales.

Eramos una con la Madre Tierra .Eramos y somos. Me enamoré de las teorías de la Comunicación y me titulé como Licenciada y Periodista, en la Universidad de Chile. Recorrí el mundo, las redacciones de diarios, radios y revistas. Disfruté ser reportera, comentarista y directora. Académica e investigadora. 

Llegó el tiempo de hacer cambios profundos, de descubrir que no se puede recuperar lo femenino desdibujado en tantas luchas, sin reencontrarse con la espiritualidad, sin aprender que estamos de paso, y que somos eternos. 

Mientras dirigía una escuela de Periodismo universitaria y recorría el cono sur de América como corresponsal de un diario europeo, descubrí atajos importantes y liberadores Me hice facilitadora de distintos talleres. 

Conocí los alcances de las glándulas pineal y pituitaria, desarrollé la capacidad de enseñar a meditar a los niños. Me hice instructora de la Técnica del “Magnified Healing”, profesional del “EMF Balancing”, Profesional de la TRE (“Terapia de Repuesta Espiritual”), Radiestesia y Técnicas curativas de la Cruz Ankh. Y más. Desde el año 2000, impartí el taller “Flor de la Vida”, dando a conocer en Chile, el mensaje sabio y permanente de Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

Durante cuatro años y medio, a partir del 2004, edité, dirigí y fui propietaria de la revista “Espiral Aurea”, destinada a propiciar la elevación de la conciencia, amor a la Madre Tierra, formas de vida natural, respeto a la sabiduría ancestral de los pueblos originarios, el proceso de la ascensión dimensional, Medicina complementaria y psicoenergética, etc.

Volvì a aprender con Drunvalo, en Chapala, su taller:DESPERTANDO EL CORAZON ILUMINADO. y con esa enseñanza-aprendizaje he vivido y visto vivir lo supremo, la elevaciòn de la conciencia, el UNO con el TODO. 

Ya en los últimos años, regresé a la Universidad, a estudiar Psicología, y me titulé en la UNIACC (Universidad Privada chilena). Ejerzo como Psicóloga clínica, administrando también terapias complementarias, como el EMDR, regresiones, técnicas energéticas,etc. Tengo un hijo budista y dos nietos mellizos también budistas.


Santiago Cordoba Rojas


Medicine doctor, homeopata, vibration medicine.


Angela Duran Cueto


He sido facilitadora de las enseñanzas de Drunvalo Melchizedek desde el año 2.000. He impartido más de 500 talleres y graduado más de 3.000 personas, en toda la tino américa y especialmente en Colombia.
Soy la directora del centro de Bienestar para la expansión de la consciencia Desarrollo del Potencial Humano Integral - Desarrollo PHI, a través del cuál imparto diversos talleres y enseñanzas espirituales para el auto-conocimiento y el despertar, desde 1989.
Soy Psicóloga y abogada de profesión y me sigo sintiendo una estudiante de la vida. En mi opinión, las enseñanzas de Drunvalo de las más completas y sencillas del planeta actualmente.


Renate Brettschneider


Was ist Leben? Was ist Lebendigkeit? Wer bin ich, bist du, sind wir? Diese Fragen stellte ich mir schon früh und forschte. Im Erkunden der Wurzeln und Religion in meinem Familien- und Kulturkreis, auch in Studien der Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Meine Freude am Gestalten führte mich zum Handarbeiten, zu einem Studium der Architektur, zur Gründung eines Gewerbes, und brachte und bringt mich mit vielen Menschen zusammen, die Zukunftsträume weben.
Auf vielen Reisen sammelte ich Eindrücke anderer Wege in den verschiedenen Kulturen und Religionen in Europa, Asien, auch Sibirien, Afrika und Südamerika. Je mehr ich reiste, desto mehr spürte ich, wie sehr wir Menschen einander überall ähneln und nur auf verschiedenen Wegen und mit unterschiedlicher Sicht sich einem Leben in Liebe und Freude nähern.
Interessiert beschäftigte ich mich in den Forschungen von Wilhelm Reich, A. S. Neill, Hans Jenny, Barbara Brennan und spirituellen Meistern Babajii und Yogananda. Ein Zitat von Drunvalo Melchizedek brachte mich auf die Suche nach ihm und zu einem tiefberührten entscheidenden Wiedererkennen. Im Jahr 2000 begegneten wir uns erstmals persönlich.
Auf Reisen mit Drunvalo nach Neuseeland zu den Waitaha Maori und nach Guatemala, einer Einladung der Guatemala-Maya und Don Alejandro Cirilo folgend, durfte auch ich mich einbringen. Eine weitere Reise führte uns mit Drunvalo zur Osterinsel und nach Moorea, um unseren Part an der Wiederherstellung des Christusgitters beizutragen.
Über diese Reisen schreibt Drunvalo in seinen Büchern „Die Schlange des Lichts“ und „Ein neuer Zyklus beginnt“. Wie ich mich selber mit Drunvalos Weisheit als Basis und meinem eigenen Erleben tiefer und tiefer in ein freudiges Leben schwinge, teile ich in meinem Buch „Heilige Geometrie – Der Weg in die eigene Mitte“.
Als göttliches Kind wachsen wir spielerisch und begeistert hinein die Strukturen und Regeln des Lebens in Form und darüber hinaus. Ich freue mich von Herzen Dir in Drunvalos Workshop die Essenz seiner Lehre weiterschenken zu dürfen, auf dass wir tiefer und tiefer verstehen, was es bedeutet in unserem Herzen zu leben und von da aus wieder Tag im Zyklus unseres Daseins entstehen zu lassen.


Rainer Poertner


Given many ATIH workshop now I`m on a transformative sabatical contemplating on the leverage of the current planetary frequency changes in a most efficient way within a Workshop.


Juan Carlos Zetina T.


Clinical psychologist Human Advisor and Facilitator of Psychospiritual Processes I am a spiritual seeker and psychotherapist, I have facilitated psychospiritual development and evolution workshops for more than 25 years.
Since I was a child I felt identified with themes of life and existence. We are living an incredible Age where we can understand who we are and where we are heading to the next level of Consciousness. That is why Drunvalo's Teachings are the ones that best explain and make me live life as an adventure from The Heart!
At a professional level I have studied Philosophy, Pedagogy, Theology and Psychology. From Psychology I have specialized in healing methods and techniques such as Transactional Analysis, Systemic Family Settings, Psycho genealogy, Biological Decoding of Disease. I'm facilitator of Systemic Ritual® (Shamanism and Familiar Constellations) Recently I have developed my Own therapy system: Inter Dimensional Therapy, a work with the Dimensional Portals and the Guides.
On a spiritual level I have traveled different paths such as Reiki, Hands without Borders, Work with Angels, Meditation, Music Therapy, Mayan Way, Essences, Crystals and since 2006 I have been introduced to the Teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek who totally changed my perspective on life and the world . Since then I have followed his Teachings and am currently one of the certified teachers in the world to teach the Awakening The Illuminated Heart® teacher, School of Remembering® workshop.


Irina Andrianova


Born on 05/13/1967 in Almaty Kazakhstan. An amazingly beautiful place in Almaty, which is located in the foothills of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains (continuation of the Tien Shan mountains). Thanks to the energies of these high mountains, my internal and external attitude to people and life events was formed.
An innate curiosity and curiosity led me to interesting books and knowledge of spiritual people.

I graduated from high school, got a higher education in economics, which came in handy later. In 2005 a public organization with a poetic name "White Mountains" was formed, where I am the director. This organization is still working. The main activity of our organization is the provision of consulting services in the field of interpersonal relations.
These are conducting seminars of personal growth, seminars "Awakening the illuminated Heart" by Drunvalo, individual consultations, travel to the sacred places of the Earth, group meditations. The search for myself first brought me to the Vedic Masters from India. 

Thus, I gained knowledge about Homa-therapy and the Agni-Hotra ritual. This scientifically based ritual purifies air and space powerfully within 2km. At this moment, a connection is formed between the rays of the Sun at dawn or dusk and the bowl of Agni-Hotra, in which the fire burns. Thus, this ritual has a healing effect on all life forms.
After meeting with Drunvalo's book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" in 2002. I took the «Flower of Life» seminar. Then, I attended the training for facilitators of the « Flower of Life» seminar and signed a contract to conduct these seminars. She worked in this direction for 8 years.

Then there was an amazing experience with Drunvalo's new workshops and with himself. Passed a seminar "Awakening the illuminated Heart" with Drunvalo and other teachers of the School of Remembering. And in 2012 was attending the training for teachers of the School of Remembering in Mexico. Signed a contract with Drunvalo in July 2013 to conduct these seminars. And now I actively and with pleasure conduct these seminars in 12 cities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The search for oneself and the Spiritual Path continues ...


Carlos de Nova & Laura Elena Gonzalez


Nacimos en un bendito espacio llamado México, parte importante de este planeta, cada uno en su lugar, en su espacio y tiempo, crecimos buscando, investigando e intentando recordar quienes  somos realmente…. 

En un sendero nos encontramos y unimos nuestra búsqueda, después de 24 años vimos en nuestro camino una luz que a los dos nos pareció la definitiva, llegando a nosotros las enseñanzas de Drunvalo  las hemos seguido por más de 20 años llegando a la conclusión que al fin la encontramos…. Entramos en este camino del recordar y juntos comprendimos que la búsqueda había terminado, las enseñanzas de Drunvalo  que el recordar esta justo ahí en ese espacio en nuestros corazones.

Después….. nos reencontrábamos con él….para seguir recordando el gran amor a nuestra Divina Madre y Nuestro Divino Padre …..pero no era todo…..ahora nuestro deseo fue  compartir esta bella enseñanza para que la humanidad experimente lo que es vivir y recordar el pequeño espacio del corazón donde todo es posible.

Ahora nos sentimos honrados y bendecidos por habernos permitido expandir esta hermosa enseñanza……uniendo nuestras energías…….creando la divina trinidad 
Gracias a todo este proceso, en nuestro primer contacto con Drunvalo tuvimos el placer de sentir la vibración de los cuencos de cuarzo, enamorándonos de ellos y como resultado………….. amamos y aplicamos la vibroterapia y armonización de los ckakras por este medio, somos Guardianes y guías de un temazcal, damos terapias de Reiki angélico, Biodescodificacion, hipnosis terapéutica, sanación con el péndulo hebreo.


Verónica Romo


Graduated in International Relations, Master in International Organizations with 27 years of experience in the implementation of projects in different business lines. External consultant for satellite technology projects. 

Certified teacher of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop, International Speaker, Business and Life Ontological Coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) with PCC credential, mentor, trainer and trainer with 10 years of experience in coaching schools, institutions and various private sector companies in Mexico, USA, Colombia and Ecuador.

Certified Consultant for Dr. Joe Dispenza's “Change Your Life… Create New Results” program. Founding Partner of IBKA Center, facilitator of workshops and various disciplines of human development for Women such as Ovarian Breathing AF, creator of the concepts "Women creating Value", "Conscious Companies" and "Co-creative Coaching", host of the Program radio station "Wake Up Your Heart." 

Recognized by the Consulate of Mexico in Fresno for the contribution to human development at the international level in 2018, National Award of Excellence 2019 by the National Chamber of Women, AC and National Award of Speech 2019 by the National Association of Broadcasters of Mexico, AC Columnist in the women's magazine Cosmetología México Profesional. Training Agent authorized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico,


Paola Marquez


Hello my spiritual name is Padme, I am a Spiritual and Health Coach and one of Drunvalo’s certified teachers authorized to share his wonderful knowledge –which I have been facilitating since 2012 with great honor. This valuable information has allowed thousands of people all over the World to transform their consciousness in only four days.

 I work along with my husband Carlos R Casillas who has founded a multi media platform where we have a Radio Station and other media where we share spiritual information to all our audience. 

We are both Health Coaches determined to help people live in harmony and happiness based on a more balanced lifestyle, healthy nourishment, spirituality, meditation and other means and techniques to question the belief systems and emotions. 

I am also a Reiki and Magnified Healing therapist; I love crystals and essential oils since they offer a simple, healthy way to keep our bodies well-balanced. I also have a great passion for cooking, but mostly for healthy cooking, adapting delicious recipes into nutritious and vegan options. I am convinced that the way we eat can transform our consciousness –and ultimately, the World we live in. 

One summer, after reading some Drunvalo books –and having practiced the Merkaba meditation for some years– I had the opportunity to attend to Drunvalo’s workshops in Sedona, AZ. That was, for sure, one turning point in my life: from that day on, I felt a deep desire in my soul to share these teachings with more and more people. 

Today, I feel honored to transmit Drunvalo’s work to all those who want to answer their inner call and connect with their hearts. It is my desire to assist as many human beings as possible and help them remember the truth about who they are and where to find all the answers they are looking for –in the closest and more sacred place: their own heart.

 It will be a tremendous privilege for me to share this information with you. From my heart to yours, Padme (Paola Marquez)


Gabrielle Min


Based in the Netherlands, I am a part of helping te free humanity from the slavery now present.

In my professional practice I am a guide to create space in your mind, body and soul to give you the best life you are wishing for yourself and others.


Priscilla Diana potman


As a child i always had a deep connection with animals. When i was on vacation i heard from my grandmother that my cat died. I was very sad. When i finally came home from vacation and my dogs came back from the cannel, i was glad to see them. The first thing i did was going for a walk with them.

When i was walking with my doges i got a familiar feeling. A second later i saw my cat, and directly i thought "huh grandmother said Felix(the cat) was dead". When i was home i directly called her and asked where Felix died. It was at that exact same corner where i saw him.

Directly i began to cry. It was from that moment that i began to see very strange thing. People that were not there, other animals form friends that died. 10 years later i met my partner marcel. He was very depressed at the time. We began to search for thing that could make him happier. He already stopped with his medicine because it did not help.

We found there was more in life then only working and living a normal life. So we started meditating. Pretty soon i begin to see images. From there on everything was in the flow. In 2007 we Found Drunvalo's work.

We followed his work for several years. We found out about ascension and Mother Earth. It was in late 2011 begin 2012 that i made contact with the spirit of the planet "Mother Earth". We did many ceremonies for her. It was a few months later that we did the first workshop.

When we completed it i was certain. I will do everything in my power to become a ATHI Teacher. So I connected with my higher self and she said. Go for it. That is my story how i become a atih teacher. Much Love, Priscilla


Antje Krug


I grew up in Berlin. Although I was raised atheistic, i always had an intimate connection with nature and a subtle reality. Through detours in my life I lost this ability out of sight for some years, but my soul led me safely back to my true purpose.

I remembered – In 2001 I did a training as a regressing-therapeut and today I work primarily with guided meditation, to help my clients with emotional trauma and to support them. In addition, I give workshops, to pass on the techniques of my work. Hereby more and more people can be shown a new way. In the process I especially focus on showing participants, how they can listen to their hearts and how they can integrate this into their everyday life.
My work gives me a lot of joy and it satisfies me very much. But since my childhood, I had asked myself again and again, why there is so much conflicts and suffering on earth, where actually all peoples needs and desires are the the same – love and understanding.
Everyone is struggling in his way for love and acceptance, one with success, a good position or a lot of money, and the other through elegant look or good deeds. It looks like a constant struggle for being better. And for thousands of years now it is exactly this polarity which humans have been fighting. What to do? What s the solution? And how we all can live happier and more satisfied?
When I met Drunalo Melchizedek for the first time in 2011, he gave a simple, as well as paradoxical answer to this question. Only our heart can do away with the polarity. It doesn’t know good or bad. That’s it! That’s the key! Awake your illuminated heart! Wake up and get away from your mind, from your thinking to your heart! It knows the answer. Your heart doesn’t evaluate, it doesn’t judge. It loves – that’s its purpose.
Long ago we people had this knowledge, but then we lost it. Now it’s time to remember again. Because we have everything we need – deep in our hearts. We all come from one source – from one idea – and we are all connected to each other. Let s live it together.


Luba Roguleva


Luba Roguleva from Russia is a licensed teacher of the workshop "Awakening the Illuminated Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Remembering the heart. I was born in September 1957 in Yekaterinburg, Russia. I go my journey through life under the guidance of Angels and spiritual teachers.
I had a meeting with the books of Drunvalo "The Ancient secret of the Flower of Life" and felt a powerful resonance. My main goal is to help people revive the "Body of Light" by remembering Merkaba. After studying at the School of Drunvalo became the official teacher of 2012.
We can flow through the harmonious waves from the heart and remember how easy it is to live from your Heart. We will activate the Merkaba around the body in the most natural way, using our living heart. Now the time has come when we meet again on our road of Remembering who we are. 

The Tiny space of the Heart is the place where the whole creation of the Universe takes place and where share peace in love to all life everywhere.


Lu Ka


When I was 11, a near-death experience opened new perspectives for me and connected me with my higher self, igniting my journey into inner work practices, out-of-body experiences, and metaphysical studies.

I am dedicated to men’s work, striving to embody the Sacred Masculine. I co-lead “Divine Man / Divine Woman” containers with Anna Pastuszko and the “Divine Masculine Embodiment” workshop with Robert Bauer. My focus is on men’s work, shadow work, relational work, and emotional expression. I believe in a balanced world of Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony, Peace, Trust, and Respect for all life everywhere, and I work on grounded spirituality in everyday life. Healthy boundaries are as important as healthy connections.

I have led over 350 multi-day workshops and containers, guided more than 20 sacred journeys to Egypt, Sedona, and Peru, and worked with over 2500 individuals. My main focus is men’s work and Awakening Heart workshops, including “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” and “Sacred Geometry of the Heart.”

Since 1999, I have delved into meditation, esoteric and occult study, inner work, shadow work, sacred geometry, and sacred mathematics. My workshops are known for their direct, heart-based, and life-changing approach. A licensed HeartMath trainer since 2018 and a licensed School of Remembering trainer since 2013, I also conduct workshops on returning to the Heart.

Join me on journeys to sacred lands like Egypt, Mexico, and Peru. These journeys blend heart experiences, mystery schools, and reconnection to Earth, Sky, and Heart.

I am a keeper of sacred space, pagan enthusiast, ceremonialist, nature lover, truth seeker, and catalyst of change. What I am not: rescuer, savior, new age light worker, spiritual teacher. Why? Because everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student, and everyone is responsible for their own growth and healing.

Lu Ka


Enrique Guardiola Sanchez


Queridos hermanos, 

Es para mi un gran honor estar al servicio de la Luz en estos tiempos de cambio, de elevación de la consciencia humana. Desde hace mucho tiempo venimos preparándonos para una transición a una nueva conciencia centrada en el amor con la que el ser humano podrá trascender un estilo de vida, una forma de pensar y de actuar que no es más tiempo sostenible en este planeta. Simplemente no podemos seguir de la misma forma más tiempo y la Vida nos está empujando a cambiar.

Los maestros de esta escuela venimos transmitiendo las enseñanzas más elevadas de Drunvalo Melchizedek para ayudar a aquellas personas que están ya preparadas a experimentar un nuevo espacio de consciencia, para vivir en su propia piel una nueva forma de experimentar ser humano con una luz viva dentro de su corazón cuya majestuosidad y belleza indescriptibles diluyen todo miedo de su conciencia como el sol diluye la niebla por la mañana.

Yo nací en España en 1975, país en el que resido actualmente. Me formé en ingeniería, aunque nunca tuve un interés verdadero por ningún estudio hasta que descubrí la conciencia humana, la geometría sagrada y la ciencia Merkaba, el trabajo de Drunvalo con quien me instruí en 2013 para transmitir su taller Despertando el Corazón Iluminado con integridad y pureza. 

Despertando el Corazón Iluminado es un taller de 4 días que vengo impartiendo tanto en Español como en Inglés, desplazándome a aquellos países a los que la vida me va llevando por medio de personas que tienen el deseo de organizar un grupo en su lugar. También imparto regularmente el taller de forma telemática a través de internet en un horario que permite participar a las gentes de Sudamerica.

Estamos pues en un momento critico en el que todos y cada uno de los que estamos llamados por el corazón hemos de aportar un mayor valor. Reconocer el Ser verdadero más allá de la personalidad humana es imperativo para trascender las limitaciones del nivel de conciencia actual, y ese es el principal objetivo del taller: que vivas esa experiencia. Cuando sea que hagas contacto con esa Luz dentro de ti, que puede haberte sido esquiva hasta ese momento, tu vida ya no volverá a ser como antes, te convertirás en un importante faro para la transformación de esta bonita civilización.

Gracias por atreverte a dar el gran salto, ¡bienvenidos a las enseñanzas de Drunvalo Melchizedek!

Con todo mi amor,
Enrique Guardiola

Dear brothers,

It is a great honor for me to be at the service of the Light in these times of change, of elevation of human consciousness. For a long time we have been preparing ourselves for a transition to a new consciousness centered on love with which the human being will be able to transcend a lifestyle, a way of thinking and acting that is no longer sustainable on this planet. We simply cannot continue in the same way any longer and Life is pushing us to change.

We, the teachers of this School, are transmitting the highest teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek to help those people who are already prepared to experience a new space of consciousness, to live in their own skin a new way of experiencing to be human with a living light within their hearts whose indescribable majesty and beauty dilute all fear from their consciousness as the sun dissolves mist in the morning.

I was born in Spain in 1975, the country in which I currently reside. I was trained in engineering, although I never had a real interest in any study until I discovered human consciousness, sacred geometry and Merkaba science, the work of Drunvalo, with whom I trained in 2013 to transmit his workshop Awakening the Illuminated Heart with integrity and purity.

Awakening the Illuminated Heart is a 4-day workshop that I have been teaching in both Spanish and English, traveling to those countries where life is taking me through people who have the desire to organize a group in their place. Also, since the period of lockdown we live in Spain in the spring of 2020, I regularly teach distance learning through the internet to a schedule that fits well also for people in South America.

We are therefore in a critical moment in which each and every one of us who are called by the heart must contribute greater value. Recognizing the true Being beyond the human personality is imperative to transcend the limitations of the current level of consciousness, and that is precisely the main objective of the workshop: you living that experience. Whenever you make contact with that Light within you, which may have been elusive until that moment, your life will no longer be the same, you will become an important beacon for the transformation of this beautiful civilization.

Thank you for daring to take the big leap, Welcome to Drunvalo Melchizedek's teachings!

All my love,
Enrique Guardiola


Pablo Welshpablo Mccarte

United Kingdom

I see a great unity. This unity I speak of is not worldly or political in nature, but a unity of our hearts" Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje Welsh Pablo: I live In the Valleys in South Wales UK - A Mystical place of Natural Beauty that I have used as my Haven and Home While travelling the World as a Sound Engineer and Tour Manager in the Music industry for over 18 years with Amazing Artists / Bands / Crews throughout all styles of music across all continents and cultures.
In the mid 90’s and into the 2000’s I was a Professional Hypnotherapist, conducting research into Past / lives - I studied and conducted my own research into Dr Micheal Newtons Journey of Souls and the life between lives. Channeling - ET Contact - Abductions etc…and I trained in Remote Viewing with David Morehouse, Author of Psychic warrior and one of the original members of the US military’s Top Secret Psychic Spy Programs.
I also studied many forms of healing and channeling with some Great teachers. Alongside my ATIH work I also conduct “Clearings”, a technique of bringing back Balance and Harmony to Mother Earth, her energy grids, Sacred Sites and pollution of environment ( air / land / oceans etc…) Energy imbalances within homes or businesses - people or places …
Most people who have studied Drunvalo will generally have a great story to tell of amazing Synchronicities that led them to Him and In 2012 I was fortunate to experience this myself, Synchronicities that included Sacred sites, Crop formations and many intense experiences that eventually Landed me in Sedona for over a month ( on flight No 777 :) to train to be a Teacher of his work and also for his new workshops ( Now Cosmic Grace ) and having the privilege of experiencing his teachings in a very small group of amazing people from all over the world.
The Teachings instantly made so much sense to me, and I always remember the first time I did an ATIH Course … Everything instantly changed for me! – Physically / Mentally/ Emotionally I felt connected to whatever had been guiding me. This was the first time ever that I had felt like I am truly on the correct path. Hopefully we can share this journey together? “Diolch yn fawr” Namaste x Pablo xxx


Viola Rose

United States

Greetings from the heart. I am currently offering Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops regularly in The Sedona Arizona Area and am willing to travel to nearby states as well. I also offer the workshop ONLINE monthly for global participation. 
I completed my Teacher training with Drunvalo Melchizedek's School Of Remembering in 2012. Since then I have taught about 100 4-day Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops to over 1000 participants. 

I am here to be in service to Love, Ascension, opening the Heart, all things beautiful and to joyfully play whatever part I can in the process of Spiritual Remembering at this amazing and transitional time in our world. I am in my mid 50's, and all my life I have been answering the call to go deeper. I have spent my years pursuing truth, clarity, service, musicianship and performance art,the healing arts, healthy living, Reiki, Sound Healing, Metaphysical and Consciousness research and exploring every path that would bring me to the next level of Heart opening and understanding. Every turn of the road has brought me insights and precious gifts. I am constantly seeking out new and accessible ways to learn to live fully in our hearts and to connect with the energies of Ascension.

I am a certified Gong Practitioner (through Gong Master Metab Bentons school), a certified Holistic Health coach, a certified teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedek's School of Remembering, a Certified Laughter Yoga teacher, a Musician and Sound Healer.

I love inspiring and supporting people who are ready to shift, whether with their health, nutrition, spiritual landscape or into living more fully from the heart. I am motivated by the fact that millions of people are in real pain and experiencing real challenges in their lives.

I strive to offer beautiful, profound and yet simple ways to truly embody higher understandings, and open the heart. I bring my lively spirit, my joy, my reverence for all life and my love for all to the work I offer to the world.

If you have already attended the ATIH workshop with me or any other teacher, and would like a refresher in any part of the material, or meditations, or to ask questions, or receive personalized instruction, or guided meditations at your own pace, you can set up a private phone or zoom session with me. I am also available for those who have not yet attended the ATIH workshop but want more personal guidance on these subjects. 
My rates are $50 for the first 30 minutes, then $1 per minute after that. 

If you find yourself in the spiritual wonderland that is the Sedona area, come see me for an appointment, or Sound-Healing session in person!


Darlene Waddell

United States

Darlene is one of approximately 200 worldwide certified teachers of the School of Remembering® who has been entrusted to teach the 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart'® workshop/meditations. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

She is deeply honored and grateful for being given this unique opportunity to be of service to humanity through sharing these sacred teachings during this time of great transformation into higher consciousness.

The ATIH workshop is the culmination of Drunvalo's life work and includes his newest teachings. These ancient and sacred teachings are now being given to assist all of Humanity in our ascension process into higher levels of consciousness. Darlene was first introduced to Drunvalo's work in 1997, while attending the Virginia School of Massage.

 In 1999-2000 she was led to his Flower of Life books and the study of sacred geometry. From there, she later came to Drunvalo's 'Living in the Heart' teachings. Darlene has been a practicing RN in the health and healing field for many years, and Drunvalo's 'Living in the Heart' teachings resonated deeply with her, and her work as both a nurse and a massage therapist. 

Since 1993, Darlene has also extensively studied the teachings of a Master from India, Paramahansa Yogananda. She has been practicing Kriya Yoga meditation since 1995, as was originally taught & passed down through a lineage of spiritual avatars from Mahavatar Babaji to Paramahansa Yogananda. Swami Sri Yukteswar, the spiritual teacher of Paramahansa Yogananda, gave the 'Unity Breath meditation' to Drunvalo for the ATIH teachings. 

The 'Tiny space of the Heart', from where we can truly create our reality in this most sacred place of 'Love & Unity' (which is also taught in the ATIH workshop), was long ago written about in the Upanishads. Darlene makes her home on the beautiful island of Maui in Hawaii. She enjoys kayaking in the crystal blue waters of Hawaii, and she loves to swim with the dolphins. She also enjoys teaching ‘My Intuitive Heart’ classes to children, a program wherein children can learn to 'see', read, play games, etc, without the use of their physical eyes. 

‘My Intuitive Heart’ children’s program helps children empower themselves to return to the light within. She has been successfully teaching 'Awakening The Illuminated Heart' workshops locally throughout the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the mainland US, Canada, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia. She is delighted to travel wherever she is invited in the world to be of service to humanity and these sacred teachings. 

So if you are ready to begin this sacred journey into your heart, and to receive the 'inner tools' that are needed for ascension, it is her privilege, honor and greatest joy to assist you during this time of transition into higher consciousness. With deepest love 💞 Namaste 🙏🏽 Darlene
Here are a few testimonials given by previous ATIH workshop attendees :

 "I am still reveling in waves of light. Mahalo !" ~ SG "Darlene, I am so blessed to have attended your ATIH workshop. I really appreciate your dedication." ~ LZ "Darlene, thank-you for loving me - it feels so good ! This workshop has done me so much good, I'll never be able to thank-you enough." ~ RB "Dearest Darlene, ...thinking of you as this magical day begins to wind down... Thank you for being present and in your heart... Thank you for learning the teachings of ATIH and taking the teachings around the world... Thank you for realizing the light within you, which enables you to see it in others... So much love and gratitude I hold for you, as ATIH and meeting you showed me my light so very clearly... Beautiful day, beautiful blessings to a most beautiful woman living in love and light... Aloha !! Namaste ~ SM


Beverly (Bj) Hambleton

United States

Bj Hambleton, M.S. C.B.S. is one of Drunvalo Melchizedek's original certified teachers. A former college professor specializing in Sociology, she now has a private Quantum Biofeedback practice.
She has been teaching the Awakening the Illuminated Heart course internationally since 2011 and has followed Flower of Life and Drunvalo's teachings since 1999, one day at a time. I do love this work and adore passing this information/experiences on as it feeds my soul.
It is a pure joy to assist each participant to unfold each experience and to observe the integration of all into their being and their every day experiences. Many Blessings and Love!!! from my heart to yours. Bj


Crenguta Raluca Heim

United States

With a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Communication and Human Resources (MSHR), RAluca has worked as a psychologist and hypnotherapist in diverse business environments for more than 15 years.
She has extensive experience facilitating workshops, webinars, retreats, and conferences for individuals and businesses in Romania and the United States.
Utilizing interactive methods to support people to reach their goals and transform their lives, RAluca teaches proven mental imagery and visualization techniques for personal development, healing, and self-knowledge.
Currently, Raluca is a certified alcohol and drug counselor intern in Las Vegas, NV, and continues to teach Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops in the United States.


Tatiana Haggerty

United States

My first trip to Egypt, in May 2006, came about due to a coincidence. I was practical and skeptical scientist. While in Egypt, I met an Irish woman who lived there named Mara. She told me about the tunnel under the Great pyramid and Drunvalo's story. At that time I knew nothing about Drunvalo and his teaching, but immediately wanted to go into the tunnel. 

The night before the trip to the tunnel, Mara told me about the scary stories surrounding others experiences in the tunnel. Evaluating everything in my skeptical scientific mind, I did not believe of any of the stories. 

Mara arranged for our trip into the Well chamber under The Great Pyramid and I crawled into the tunnel alone. I got all the way to the end of the tunnel. This one experience changed my life forever. I understood that life is not what we had been taught by society, or in school, or by family.

 Life is a mystery and a miracle. … On January 12, 2007 I attended my first workshop with Drunvalo in Maryland. While we were there , the mid winter changed into warm spring weather and stayed that way until the workshop ended. It was miraculous. I cried badly because I did not want to return to so-called "normal life". Since 2007, I took a few detours, went to workshops from different teachers and appreciated them as well.

 I became certified by Tom Kenyon as a sound healer, attained and certified of The Reconnective Healing with Eric Pearl, who was featured in the movie The living Matrix. 

I studied with Elizabeth Severino who is an animal communicator and author. I met 17th Karmapa twice and was initiated by him into the Mantra of Medicine Buddha, in the second meeting he gave us the Mantra of the Original Buddha.... Throughout all my travels and experiences with other teachers, I always kept coming back to Drunvalo, taking his workshops in different cities, very memorable one was in Uxmal in Mexico, Awakening The Illuminated Heart. 

Now I am honored and in deep gratitude to have the privilege to be certified by Drunvalo to teach this very workshop. 

I can hold a place for your awakening because I have experienced the changes in me and now I have this knowledge inside me. But only you can do the job for you. A single experience is worth a thousand theories. It is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. In the workshop I will do the best from my heart to assist you in your journey to your awakening. Thank you.


Philip J Laing

United States

Philip Laing is a respected workshop facilitator focusing on lesser-known esoteric practices that provide powerful tools for personal transformation. 

He has been teaching the Flower of Life workshop since 2005 to individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds after a long-held interest in human potential and purpose eventually led him to the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, founder of the Flower of Life Workshop. Now authorized to facilitate Drunvalo’s Awakening The Illuminated Heart® workshop, his focus is now on the more experiential aspects that this work allows.

Phil is a seasoned guide in exploring introductions to sacred geometry and the human lightbody in relation to personal integration, ascension and spiritual growth. His natural sensitivity and experience make him a catalyst in illuminating and supporting new possibilities for practical applications in realizing the multi-dimensional self. 

He is also an intriguing presenter of the more controversial elements in the metaphysical area, alternative history and their current challenges for global society.
Philip collaborates with a growing number of organizations and is currently developing his own programs as an independent facilitator. His authentic program delivery and caring instruction is sincere, articulate and thorough and has resulted in his being contracted throughout the US and internationally.
In addition, Phil Laing teaches the simple but powerful KUNLUN® System as developed and taught by Max Christensen, a rare Taoist internal alchemy practice of Self-Awakening. The regular practice of this “formless form” of nei gung, likewise results in the transmutation of one’s body and consciousness from matter into pure energy or the lightbody.

He has also learned Theta Healing from Vianna Stibal, developer of this technique that uses focused thought and prayer in the theta brainwave state to effect healing change on physical and emotional levels. 

Drawing on his own life experiences, he began exploring the nature of reality, truth and perception as it related to personal happiness and healing in 1987. This led to meetings with modern day saints from India as well as remarkable teachers and individuals from the West.
Diverse, personal studies in early Christian history, ancient cultures, metaphysics and suppressed knowledge of law, science and religion helped to prepare him for his current role as a facilitator, providing a heart-based approach to affairs of the spirit. Phil Laing has a BA. degree in Finance from California State University, Fullerton. In addition, he


Haydee Maria Acosta


Soy uruguaya y mis primeros estudios fueron científicos. Trabajé como quimica farmacéutica hasta que el Reiki me conectó con lo espiritual, y me dediqué a su práctica hasta llegar a ser maestra.
He hecho terapia psicológica a través de Vivation y me formé como instructora de esta técnica. También trabajo como terapeuta con Osteopatía Bioenergética Celular. Cuando conocí a Drunvalo, me enamore de sus enseñanzas e hice varios talleres con ėl y completé mi formación hasta certificarme como ATIH teacher.
Practico cada día sus enseñanzas meditando desde el EDC y trabajo allí para sanar mi vida.


Mabel Alicia Giorla


Soy Mabel, nací en Argentina, bajo el sol de Leo. Desde temprana edad sentía (ahora lo sé) ese espacio sagrado en el corazón; esa vibración, sentimiento, voz interior que me indicaba hacia dónde... me confirmaba ese sentimiento de que la vida era algo más de lo que me habían contado.... Así a través de los años y la búsqueda llegué a conocer las enseñanzas de Drunvalo a través de videos, y el corazón pulsó fuerte... fuertísimo...un flash verlo... En el año 2000 tomé mi primer taller y en el 2001 pude conocerlo personalmente y compartir un taller avanzado que vino a dar a Argentina con su esposa Claudette y sus dos hijas... De allí en más, la vida, mi vida no volvió a ser la misma.... fue la llave maestra con la que abrí una puerta hacia la sanación, el crecimiento y la conciencia...Todo un aprendizaje, a veces muy doloroso, pero con esa luz y esas herramientas, más la certeza absoluta del corazón de que todo es perfecto, pude transitarlas.
Un antes y un después.En 2010, viviendo fuera de mi país, encuentro que en Italia, presentan su nuevo taller y participo... de ahí en más todo se acelera y en 2013 decidí formarme con Drunvalo, en Chapala, para compartir el taller Despertando el Corazón Iluminado, un proceso de recordar como él bien lo define.... No alcanzan las palabras para definir lo que se experimenta.... Es una bendición y una celebración, un honor poder acompañarnos y juntos regresar a ese espacio de puro amor... Una amorosa responsabilidad... Porque, cuando recordamos... nos damos cuenta... vinimos para restaurar el amor, todos maestros, todos chispas Divinas... Cooperación, amor y Unidad. Amo estar en este camino, en estos momentos en la Tierra. Gracias a todos los que me impulsaron, me guiaron, me acompañaron y acompañan en este viaje del corazón.


Marie Pavel


Hi, My name is Marie and I live in "the most liveble city ", Melbourne. I was a passionate FOL facilitator from the mid 1990s and enjoyed every step of the way of enlightening FOL journey; getting to know Drunvalo's work and participating in a number of his workshops together with Frank, my husband. Dru's amazing way of sharing is always inspiring and unforgetable. I have done all I could to pass it on to my FOL students over the years. 

I had the chance of bringing Dru to Aussie in November/December 2006; a great privilage for me! Many of us met in beautiful Marysville, Victoria and enjoyed all Dru came to teach us. As time went by, Dru's teachings uplifted into ATIH syllabus. 

I participated in the teacher's workshop in Mexico and became an ATIH facilitator. My base is Melbourne, Australia but I travel to other Aussie states when asked tand taught ATIH in other parts of the world, planning to do this for a long time. 

This year started well with a January, 2020 workshop but no more after that (yet). However the limitations of 2020 will pass eventually and teachings will continue. On my journey to enlightenment, I studied a number of healing and spiritual subjects....knowing it IS called ‘walking the path.’

 I am also an Astrologer /Cosmobiologist from my early adulthood and had the great good fortune to be taught by the best - Doris Greaves who was the best Astrologer in the world (say I). Her dedication was quite legendary and I believe at least some of it rubbed off onto the eager students, including me. 

I find Buddhism a fascinating philosophy and had a chance to participate in the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama in his abode, in Dharamsala, India. Another inspiring teacher in my life is Jill Marie, founder of SVH = Serenity Vibration Healing modality, that I also teach . 

I brought Jill Marie to Melbourne with the help of a friend and so SVH classes were presented here in my home town since July, 2000. Aspects of all that I do are support the strong message of Drunvalo's work, LIVING IN THE HEART!

 I look forward meeting people in my workshops and I like to mention that so far, all people that came to me were able to bring on the light, to do what they came to achieve in this workshop and activated their natural MerKaBa. It is my honour to continue to enlighten more of us with Drunvalo's loving message.

 Love and light and blessings to all of us. Marie


Eloisa Zarzur Cury


Eloisa Zarzur Cury- Formada em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Mackenzie SP e trabalha neste ramo desde então.
Paralelamente, num sentido de equilíbrio, tem se dedicado ao estudo e pesquisas no campo da espiritualidade há mais de 24 anos, com formação em vários cursos entre eles filosofia, geobiologia (acupuntura da terra), numerologia, técnicas de meditação, runas, cristais, cromoterapia entre tantos outros.
Ao tomar contato com o Conhecimento da Flor da Vida, o impacto foi tão grande que a levou a realizar práticas e preparar-se para conhecer Drunvalo Melchizedek pessoalmente nos Estados Unidos.
O que mais a atraiu é a Liberdade de Ser e o Respeito pelas diferenças advindas de uma escola que reconhece a Unidade de todas as coisas.
A partir daí sentindo a importância e urgência de transmitir este Conhecimento tão Belo da Geometria Sagrada e da Meditação Merkaba, resolveu formar-se como facilitadora autorizada pela Flower of Life no Arizona em 1999 e posteriormente formou-se em 2011 na Escola da Relembrança também de Drunvalo Melchizedek .
Hoje se coloca como instrumento para difundir este Conhecimento a todos que por ele se sentirem atraídos. “Fui realmente abençoada ao recordar este Conhecimento tão Belo. Que este Amor se manifeste sobre nós, em nós e por nós”.


Carolina Cocis

Bucharest, Romania

Good morning another me!

For more than 25 years of my spiritual journey, both on learning and teaching, teaching and learning, for me and others, taking and giving, learning with many mentors and through different schools, teaching and paying forward to thousands of students, I feel blessed to be touched and touch so many people’s heart. 
For more than 12 years of teaching Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops to thousands of souls, I discover that the more you know, the more you don’t know and such a Journey is a never ending discovery of facets of Life, Love, Joy, Nature and Laws of the UNIverse.

Each one of us has a role in the Creation Process, each one of us is a piece of a puzzle that fits in  The Big Puzzle and each one of us, in our own way has to find the Path back Home.

Only Together we can do it and it’s our Time.

We are The Ones that We were Waiting For! Lets be present at this marvelous meeting that we scheduled long time ago in the future!

Certified and active “ATIH Teacher” of Drunvalo Melchizedek, 
Consciousness Concierge, Conscientolog, Holistic coach and healer, 
certified “Peace Ambassador” and “Diplomat of Love” – Embassy of Peace,  Jasmuheen

Life is beautiful and worth to be lived.
I am a classy well educated woman who says fuck a lot.

Introducing you to YOUrself.
Guiding as many as possible to REMEMBER their true nature, to create a synergic new world, new Humanity,  based on the Dance between Heart and Mind, Heaven and Earth.

Connecting the dots, deep conversations, wrestling with big life questions….. turquoise see shore and a glass of good wine.

I am allow to tell you that YOU ARE ALLOW(ed).
We are a Multidimensional Being having a Human Experience, not a human being having a multidimensional experience.

A beach filled with shells, white sand and a clear dawn…..along with my beloved.

You are already enough. You are allow, sit back and enjoy the ride.

The way how people see themselves.


Michael Margulis


A certified teacher in the School of Remembering. Michael shares the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek through the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. This helps people to remember their inherent Divinity as Infinite and Eternal Beings. 

Teaching people profound heart-based activations through meditation practices that awaken life changing internal technologies of the Heart. Which enables people to connect deeply with all elements of life and their own Heart - so they can live from the Heart; lovingly and soulfully - both within and without.
Michael is deeply rooted in the healing art of Chinese medicine, an experienced clinician with a profound understanding of how the individual’s constitution expresses itself physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. Michael is skilled at translating symptoms so they become way-showers, using the signs and symptoms as guidance mechanism to open the door for greater holistic health. 

He utilizes the imbalance and pain of the mental, emotional, and physical bodies as an opportunity for helping people understand how to live, in harmony as their unique expression as well as the external environment. From Michael's perspective imbalance and dis-ease provide important clues that render themselves to be wonderful healing opportunities for better balance and greater growth on all levels.


Ronald Louis LaPlace


Ron’s relationship to the esoteric nature of life began when he dropped out of university and instead began taking the College Lessons of the Brotherhood of the White Temple. That relationship with metaphysics continues to this day.

Ron has been presenting the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek since 1998. First, as a certified facilitator for Flower of Life, then as one of only 2 teachers given permission to teach Living In the Heart and finally as a certified teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart since 2011.
15 years ago he also began a journey with new ways of working with sound to assist in bringing balance to the energy systems of the body - be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Ron assisted in developing a new technique known as the Fibonacci Process™ that brings together the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sacred Geometry and the frequencies of the Planets.
The most recent iteration of this work has now incorporated a combination of new technology and Spirit in ways that assist individuals and larger groups in finding the balance known as the Unified Field. This work is named SpiritTec™ .


Ana María Milán


Madre, abuela, ser humano, mi formación formal fue en Psicología y posteriormente he desarrollado labores en diversas modalidades de terapias bioenergéticas y medicina vibracional. Mi labor se engrandeció con mi formación como estudiante directa de Drunvalo Melchizedek desde 2008.

 La maestría en Despertando el Corazón Iluminado acompaña toda mi labor y todo mi ser, y desde ahí ofrezco mis dones. Recuerdo mi corazón en todo instante, alli somos Un Sólo Ser con toda la vida a cada instante ✨


Jose Fernando Orduz Sánchez​


I am a medical doctor. I am master in públic Health and alternative medicine. I am a lecture in the School of medicine. I have a clínic in integrative medicine. I’ve attented about 9000 patients in 12 years. I used sacred Geometry and i did the AITH workshop about 100 persons in this 8 years.
Really i am thankful with Drunvalo teachings, his knowledgs and his advices in three workshop that i Took with him. My clinic was a Beautiful vision from a meditation in the sacred space of heart. And i create in that moment and now its a reality!!!!!


Ana Maria Escobar


I am a human being living this life in the most awaken form I can. I'm a healer, therapist, teacher, artist and jewelry maker. Worked for 7 years in a dolphin and marine mammals conservation project. Since I was 24, I have been trained in Crystal healing, Pranic healing, Reiki, Tantra, meditation, massage, Flower Essence healing, chakras, among other fields. 

My path with Drunvalo started on 1999.  First I took the FOL 10 days workshop. Then I took the Earth & Sky workshops with Drunvalo in different places and years, and the Living in the Heart workshops many times, also in different places.

 Finally took the ATIH training with Drunvalo in Chapala on January 2012. 
Currently I help people through healing consultation and design jewelry with crystals.


Andreas Beutel


Seit 1993 beschäftige ich mich mit Alternativen zu unserer etablierten Weltsicht. Es war 1995, ich war gerade dabei, Physik zu studieren, als ich das erste Mal von Drunvalo Melchizedek in Bob Frissels Buch "Zurück in unsere Zukunft" hörte. 

Von allen spirituellen Büchern, die ich damals in der Hand hatte, sprach mich die Klarheit der Heiligen Geometrie und der Blume des Lebens sofort an. Ich begann, diese Sprache intensiver zu studieren und wurde bereits ein Jahr später Lehrer für das Wissen um die Mer-Ka-Ba und Flower of Life.
Seit 1997 unterrichte ich regelmäßig im deutschsprachigen Raum die Mer-Ka-Ba Meditation zusammen mit der Heiligen Geometrie. Parallel dazu vertiefte ich das Wissen über die Geometrie des Universums immer mehr und stand in regelmäßigem Kontakt mit Drunvalo Melchizedek, als er das Wissen im Earth Sky Workshop weiter entwickelte.

Im Laufe der Jahre bildete ich mich ständig weiter und besuchte Kurse zur Geomantie, Harmonik, Globals Scaling, und Quantenheilung. Ich praktiziere verschiedene Wege der Herz- und Emotionalarbeit, Klangheilung, Musik und Obertongesang.
2011 wurden zwei DVDs von mir veröffentlicht über die Blume des Lebens und die Harmonische Ordnung des Universums. 2012 erscheinen zwei Bücher über die Mer-Ka-Ba und die Blume des Lebens.
Während am Anfang noch die Geometrie im Vordergrund stand, die mich auch zu Drunvalo geführt hat, verschob sich der Kern meiner Arbeit immer mehr auf die emotionale Seite des Menschen. Ich habe viel mit der Heilung des inneren Kindes gearbeitet, berührende Seminare zur Herzöffnung gegeben und habe seit 2008 verschiedene Wege in die Heilige Kammer des Herzens, teilweise in völliger Dunkelheit unterrichtet.
Als Drunvalo 2011 begann, seine Schule noch einmal neu aufzubauen und den neuen Weg der Mer-Ka-Ba zu unterrichten, die direkt aus dem Herzen aktiviert wird, war es für mich ein innerer Ruf mit dabei zu sein. Ich besuchte verschiedene weitere Kurse in Sedona/Arizona, Mexiko, Schweden und Österreich, um als auch den neuen Weg unterrichten zu können.
Es ist mir nun eine große Ehre und Herzensfreude, Teil der Schule des Erinnerns zu sein, mit meiner Erfahrung helfen zu dürfen, die Schlüssel und den Weg des Aufstiegs wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen.


Jose Ricardo Araiza Jaffray


Hi :) My full name is Jose Ricardo Araiza Jaffray and I am an alternative practitioner from Germany.
I first met Drunvalo in 2007 in Germany when he held one of the last "Earth-Sky-Heart"-Workshops here. That was already the predecessor of the ATIH-Work and had nearly all the elements already included only in a different order.
When I experienced this special space inside my heart for the first time, it was one of the most intense, wonderful and fascinating experiences of my life.
I knew already then and there that I want to be a teacher of this work because I wanted others to have this experience too.
And thank god, 2013 this opportunity was given to us. Since 2014 I enjoy very much to show this experience to others. I am very grateful that LIFE guided me to this point and I will continue this work with love and joy.
May our work be a blessing for the whole world and all life everywhere, Ricardo Araiza


Andrea Gabriella Juhász


My name is Andrea Gabriella Juhász. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to embark on this journey. In 2012, I was in Sedona for the first time at Drunvalo Melchzedek’s "Awakening illuminated the heart" workshop.
I went through a very big experience here. I went through a great cleansing process where the angels cleansed a lot of my heart and restarted my heart chakra. The next day, I passed through my heart into the fourth dimensional universe, without ever having heard from anyone before that it was possible at all.
This experience was so deeply shaken that I felt that I had to pass this knowledge on to others. A went to teacher course at August of 2014 in the Sedona. So far, I have had 29 workshopes with Daniel Mitel's Heart Imagery workshop was done in Hungary.

I am committed to helping my Hungarian colleagues to open their hearts so that they can make a living from their Heart. I don't speak English properly. That's why I live in Canada every year, and I come home to Hungary for at least two months yearly, where I keepeng these courses.

To experience the tiny spase of the heart, the heaven itself, which I am happy to teach with all those who are interested. Anyone interested in the course please apply at my email address or on my website. My email address is andrea.juhá, website: 

We are One in the Heart. Much Love Andrea Gabriella Juhasz


Silva Machoulian Sarkissian


I am a Lebanese Armenian, currently living in Armenia.

I have been drawn to this work by my heart and guides. 

I am a healer and a lightworker.

Arabic is my second language, I am the teacher presenting the workshop to the Arab world, (until now I am the only teacher, I wish there were more).

I told Drunvalo that I am going to present this to the Arab world during our "Teachers' Training" in Guadalajara, He put His hand on His heart and said, "I have always wanted this work to reach the Arab World, they are our brothers and sisters, and if you are the one to do it, so be it". 

I am so humbled by the teachings and so grateful.


Maria Concepcion Castellanos Ruiz Esparza


Facilitator of the Flower of Life since 2000, and  Teacher of the Illuminated Heart since 2009. 

Psychotherapist focused on supporting people in their different aspects: mental, emotional and physical. Studious of what generates well-being in people, and in sharing it.


Nuria Vel


I am a Mexican Illuminated Heart teacher who spreads the practice of awakening the heart through organizing workshops twice a year with the lovely surprise of receiving students for the third or even fourth time.

 I began my teaching career in the year 2015, making this year the 8th of a lovely and fulfilling journey. 

Through my workshops I offer my students a broad understanding of how to use their hearts, awareness and energy to their advantage by using Drunvalo Melchizedek tools and wisdom. 

I am in touch with the community through social media such as YouTube and  Instagram


Imelda María Solís


Spanish :

¡Te doy la Bienvenida a esta página!

¿Te imaginas poder tener una vida llena de sentido, con paz interior y amor independientemente de las circunstancias externas?

¿Te gustaría recordar tu propia divinidad y dejarte guiar por su sabiduría infinita a cada paso de tu camino?

Hoy más que nunca la Vida nos invita a co-crear una nueva realidad para todo habitante de la tierra. Nos sugiere caminar con valentía, confianza y amor ante lo incierto y los cambios. A generar vivencias que afirmen nuestra naturaleza divina a través de nuestro cuerpo y nuestra experiencia cotidiana.

Tu vida no es otra cosa que un viaje de ascensión, de evolución constante. Y puedes recorrerlo con gozo, amor incondicional y poder interior. Puedes disfrutarlo como una experiencia de continua expansión, y verlo con curiosidad y asombro. 

Tú puedes convertir miedos y creencias limitantes en combustible para tu más alta realización desde la sabiduría de tu corazón iluminado que todo transforma.

Tú puedes traer el cielo a la tierra a través de tu vida cotidiana y cambiar la realidad de nuestro mundo ¡Empezando por el tuyo!

Desde mi corazón te miro

Desde mi corazón te sonrío

¡Desde mi corazón celebro nuestro encuentro!

English :

I welcome you to this page! Could you imagine to have a meaningful life, full of love and inner peace regardless of external circumstances?
Would you like to remember your own Divinity and let its infinite wisdom guide you every step of the way?
Today, more than ever before, the Intelligence of Life of our planet is inviting us to co-create a new reality for all earth's inhabitants. It is suggesting us to walk our path with courage before the unknown and to generate loving experiences that fully embody our Divine nature on a daily basis.
Your life is nothing but an ascension journey in constant evolution. And you can walk this journey joyfully, with unconditional love and inner power.
You can experience it as a continuos expansion of your being, with curiosity and wonder. You can turn your fears and limiting believes into fuel for your highest realization from the wisdom of your Illuminated Heart that transforms it all.
You can bring Heaven on Earth through your daily life and change the reality of our world, beginning with your own! From my heart I see you From my heart I smile at you From my heart I celebrate our encounter! Imelda Solís


Jacqueline de Rond


Hi, my name is Jacqueline and I enjoy teaching the ATIH workshops as developed by Drunvalo Melchizedek very much, bringing people together in Unity Consciousness, those are sparkling days.
I am now 68 (2020) and had a 35 years professional career as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist and nowadays (of course) I add reading and healing. Such a joy to continue this path together to new dimensions ❤️


Waveney Anne Grace-Thode

New Zealand

Welcome Beloved Beings of Light 
The true essence of love can only be experienced when you are in your HEART. Being in your HEART and living your life from a foundation of love is the most profound experience you can have. Only here can you find peace, live in harmony, and fulfill your dreams. When I discovered Drunvalo’s work it was like finding a missing key that has empowered me to not only live life from my HEART, but also to be a catalyst for others.

 My spiritual path of awakening began some years ago in the 1970’s when I joined a Spiritual/Therapeutic Community and lived there for 10 years. This laid the foundation to become a Certified Counsellor/Psychotherapist. My psychotherapy practice later evolved into many healing modalities including, Rebirthing, Aurasoma, and Auric/Chakra Healing. 

As a Supervisor for other Counsellors in training, I then moved into teaching Counselling Skills for Health Practitioners and facilitated many spiritual workshops. All was going well until I had a period of illness and so began a journey of self-healing. This involved a move into the country where I was able to connect with the great healing power of Mother Earth again and the Ascended Masters. 

My path then took me into Secondary School teaching where I taught Computing for 10 years, then I moved into the role of Senco (Special Education Needs Co-ordinator) in our school. I have been retired from school teaching now for 4 years. I am a mother to 3 sons and 1 daughter and 1 stepdaughter. I have also been blessed with 7 beautiful grandchildren.

 When Drunvalo’s teachings appeared in my life, first as the book ‘The Serpent of Light’ and then many YouTube videos, I was guided to attend one of his ATIH workshops. Even before I participated in this workshop, I knew in my heart I was being called to teach this knowledge. I have been truly fortunate that my husband John has also shared in this wondrous journey to become a Certified ATIH Teacher. Together we bring a dynamic blend of both male and female energies that enhance and bring a balance to these teachings.

 I am so honored and privileged to bring you the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Having experienced my own heart awakening and witnessing this in many others, I am delighted to facilitate this empowering and beautiful workshop.

 I am great believer in the saying “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” It is time to truly remember who you and take the sacred journey into your heart.

Love and blessings
From my heart to yours


Adrian Constantinescu


Mentor and spiritual pilgrim, Adrian has dedicated his existence to sharing knowledge and guidance to everyone who aspires to have a more conscious, fruitful life, more tuned to the the laws of the universe.
He made the first conscious steps on the spiritual path in the early 90s, when he received the first pranayama and hatha yoga teachings from the former Romanian opera singer, Nineta Crainici. For Adrian, Mrs. Crainici stood as a strong model of modesty and humbleness, doubled by a profound knowledge of the human essence. Her moral example touched him profoundly, and since then on, this model has come to serve as a reference system for his whole life. Further on, the next decade was used predominantly to study inforenergetics, dowsing and bioenergetic therapies.
Architect and professional city planner, Adrian has always been captivated by descriptive geometry, shape and color. The discovery of sacred geometry marked a new stage in his evolution, blessed by his meeting with his next mentor, Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

A titan of contemporary spirituality and author of the prestigious work of sacred geometry, The Flower of Life, Drunvalo accredited Adrian as a teacher at the School of Remembering (founded in July 2011). In parallel, Adrian trained in conscious breathing and rebirthing with Dan Brule, one of the most prestigious masters of today in this field. 

Since the encounter with Dan, the art of breathing has become one of the main tools of self-knowledge and self-indulgence that he has used in his personal life and which he has successfully applied as an instructor in individual and group sessions.
For Adrian, in the last years, a significant and prolific presence in the field of knowledge has been Daniel Mitel, the two of them being connected even today by a vivid and beautiful friendship. With Daniel, he went through the initiations in Kriya Yoga, Heart Imaging, and various meditations of accessing the Sacred Space and the Small Heart Space.
Other reference names that have chronologically crossed his spiritual path were Andrew Fretwell and Richard Rudd. From Andrew Fretwell, senior instructor in Mantak Chia's universal system, Adrian received the Initiation and Certification for practicing and teaching the Original Feeling Touch method. This method, specific for the healing of the emotional body, was refined by Andrew from the Chi Nei Tsang's Chinese Abdominal Therapeutic Massage Technique.
The Golden Path of the Key Genes System, correlated with astrology, human design and I Ching, founded by the British mystic and poet Richard Rudd, is the latest form of knowledge that Adrian has begun to practice and share since 2014.
Throughout his journey through the world, Adrian seeks to bring to the consciousness of people the way in which, being in harmony with the invisible patterns underlying our lives affects our DNA, our health, families, relationships, and prosperity. 

By gathering and correlating information from different traditions and authentic knowledge systems, one of its highest goals is to put people at hand with concrete and sustainable tools to understand what it means to live in the heart and how to build from here a more conscious life, more fulfilling and more tuned to divine will. 

The research he undertakes and shares according to the principles of the holographic universe goes beyond the sphere of individual development and extends to the family, community, social and business environment. No form of life or fertility, ranging from cellular multiplication to multiplying business, does not go beyond the fractal laws of the universe, which, nowadays, are evolving towards achieving unity and group consciousness of the human race.
Credentials : - School of Remembering (Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Drunvalo Melchizedek); - Breath Mastery (Consciouss Breathing and Rebirthing - Dan Brule); - Original Feeling Touch (Andrew Fretwell); - The School of the Heart (Heart Imagery and Journeys into the Heart – Daniel Mitel); - Gene Keys (Ambassador’s Program - Richard Rudd); - Heartmath Institute (Licensed Coach) - Trainer, Counselor for Personal Development.


Irina Vasilevna Peshkova


Since childhood I was admired by people who can make miracles ... The question sounded in me: "How do they do this?" I was born in a small town near Moscow. And I lived but wasn’t alive for some time ... Studying, family, business ...the years flew by… but the desire to know the invisible was still there...inside of my heart… I got Reiki, become a healer. In 2003, by the will of fate, I ended up with the Flower of Life group in Egypt and this trip changed my life.

 I had a feeling that I received the Blessing of the Universe. I became a researcher of inner Self and had intention of knowing the Truth ... Practices of qigong, SanDao, spiritual seminars, "School of Images" by Catherine Scheinberg. 

Following the call of my Soul, I traveled the world: Egypt, China, India, Israel, Germany, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, of course amazingly beautiful, sacred places in Russia and saw a lot of beautiful people .. So different, so similar and in each a gift from God, a whole Universe, each one of them was a Teacher .... Having met Drunvalo Melchizedek in 2003, I attended the “Live in Heart” workshop in Germany in 2005. Now, looking back, I see my life as a School of Remembering, or as the path to True Self... And I can say that only by healing our heart from the emotional and mental injuries of this and past lives, we can Shine by opening our Heart in Love and realizing the Oneness of All. 

After all, we are all particles of the One .. The processes that are currently taking place on the Planet show the need to find a new path to disclose our inner potential for expansion, healing and change in our personal lives and in the world like never before. Living in two worlds at the same time is a real art. Quantum reality offers us limitless possibilities so it’s worthwhile to figure out how to navigate in this frequency domain and use its gifts. 

To realize the work of energy structure is to see the work of the mechanisms of the universe. And our Heart is a conductor to the world of subtle energies. The world is the images created by Consciousness, and Consciousness can change it if it is directly connected with the human heart. Everything in the heart is One. We are inseparable from everything in the Universe. And this idea of universal Oneness harmonizes the teachings of Jesus and Buddha, Einstein's theory and quantum physics.

 Science and mysticism are surprisingly unanimous now, although they are not always aware of this. What is life? Life is Love! ... And Love is following your Heart. Our Heart is always connected to the Divine source. After all, the Heart is the source of Love and Unity Consciousness, the place of Creation. It is very important to learn to think with the Heart and feel with the head.

 Opening our heart, healing it from pain and all kinds of blocks, we remember and know ourselves as True. We begin to be Creator. Sometimes it’s very difficult to do it by ourselves and we need help. I invite you to the workshop "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" ATIH.

 The workshop helps you remember: who you really are; awakens the Ancient Wisdom and Power stored in you which will help you to live every day being in love and harmony with yourself and the World. With Love, Irina


Juan Manuel Montaño Romero


Es para mi un honor compartir las enseñanzas de Drunvalo Melchisedek en este taller que hace regresar al lugar mas sagrado de cada uno, tu corazón. Hago ademas terapia holistia, naturopatia, geometría sagrada y programación neurolinguistica , entre otras cosa.


Katrina Nordmark


My name is Katarina Nordmark and I live in the North of Sweden. I have been away from my home for many years, studying and exploring, but 2003 I was called to return to my roots.

I went to Sedona in 2011 and attended the Earth, Sky, Heart workshop with Drunvalo. That was the start of an intense and wonderful journey, and in 2013 I became a certified ATIH-teacher. I teach classes in Swedish or English, and I'm also familiar with the Norweighan language.


Irene Viglia Atton

United Kingdom

Irene has been collaborating with Drunvalo since 2011 when she certified as a Teacher for his Heart workshops She has been travelling extensively since then and taught the 4 day Awakening the illuminated heart from America through Europe and Asia 
The strength of her work is to facilitate in a way that there is full attention on every single attendees and the work can bring deeper transformation and a clearer understanding of the process.

Irene has an international business background and she is also a certified trainer for the HeartMath® Institute and a close collaborator in the Global Coherence Initiative™. She is also a certified teacher for Imagery and Dreaming in the Lineage of the Kabbalah of Light 
Her knowledge is integrated in the 4 day Awakening the Illuminated Heart Program.


Karuna Judith Chapman

United States

I was born and raised in Vancouver Canada. After a year at U.B.C, I became a Medical Laboratory Technologist, married and had two children. When that marriage ended, my kids and I settled in a small town in the Kootenay Mountains of B.C. I had a spontaneous experience of kundalini rising and fell in love with a tiny cactus without understanding why. 

My spiritual training started when I met a yoga master at a retreat and started to practice the discipline. I met my second husband and we moved to Santa Cruz California to continues our study in an established community here. Years later I studied sufism with an unknown but effective teacher, and then settled into a practice of Zen Bhuddism. 

In 2011 I saw a picture of the Flower of Life and realized it was that pattern I had recognized in the tiny cactus so many years before. I bought Drunvalo's Flower of Life Books and devoured them with great excitement.

 When I finished reading "Living in the Heart" I attended my first workshop with Drunvalo in Sedona Arizona. My life changed forever. I quickly took a second workshop followed by the Teacher Training Course in Chapala Mexico in April 2013. 

I am honored to have been accepted as a teacher of this heart opening work, and so grateful for all Drunvalo has brought to us.


Deborah C. Loeffler

United States

Deborah has been actively learning and sharing with others about metaphysical teachings almost all of  her life. 

Some of her main interests and joys include Sound healing, Unity Breath classes, Laughter Yoga, Usui and Karuna Reiki, and the experiencing of evolving Spiritual consciousness.

 " We are evolving very rapidly,  and the ATIH workshops are needed now, more than ever, to help us stay centered and stable during these  intense transitions."


Dmitry Glukhov

United States

My name is Dmitry Glukhov. I was born in Russia and came to the US in the 90's. Read Drunvalo's books and really resonated with his knowledge. When Drunvalo was doing his teacher training, I got really excited, applied and got certified as a teacher. I am based in Salt Lake City, Utah in the US, but I am happy to travel to any part of the world to share the teachings.
I love sharing Drunvalo's teachings, I find them essential to understand this reality in these times we are in. It is a manual to this game called life. Drunvalo's teachings are not just really interesting, they are very applicable and do work in real life. Drunvalo invites you to live from your Heart where magical things are happening.
Each workshop is a wonderful time of connecting to our Hearts and for me it is a great pleasure to be part of it. Each person is unique and walks away with what they came for, that is the magic of the workshop.
I am always expanding my consciousness and love the energy and experience exchange with other wonderful beings. The wisdom in this workshop has an amazing effect, especially for the people who weren't sure about going, but got beyond logical brain and went based on their feelings, heart calling.
Many life situations we are in could be resolved with just a little bit of understanding how this reality works and people think it is so simple, why they didn't know it before? Well, you did know it, but forgot ). Nothing new here, just remembering... Hope to see you in one of the workshops!


Paul Alan Reimers

United States

I have been meditating, practicing Qi Gong and exploring subtle energy and consciousness for over 30 years. I love exploring different aspects of the process of creation and finding ways to expand consciousness and shift states of being.

 I write and teach classes and workshops on sacred geometry, alchemy, meditation, imagery, neurofeedback, biofeedback, subtle energy, the chakras, shadow work, dowsing and kinesiology as well as teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop that has been created by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
I absolutely love helping others to remember more of who they are at their core and connect to their Higher Self, Angels and the massive support that is there for them. What is so powerful about this is how each person finds their way into their Sacred Space and Tiny Space is unique while the essence is shared by all.

 I am deeply honored to be a part of this group of teachers sharing this work during this time of great awakening. For information on classes and video content visit


Dorothy H Wallis

United States

Dorothy Wallis is an International Spiritual Teacher and Psychotherapist. She has taught meditation, vision quest, metaphysical and energy workshops since 1993.
At the forefront of the consciousness movement for over thirty years, she is grounded in practices of meditation, family systems, relationships, and emotional growth. Her work reflects efficacious modalities of alternative approaches to healing based upon the latest research in science, human energy fields, psychology, and spirituality.
In 2002, her mentor and friend, Drunvalo Melchizedek brought her into relationship with the Merkaba and into teaching the Flower of Life workshop, which evolved into being a certified teacher of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop.
Using sacred geometry, meditation, aligning the mind and heart, balancing the chakras and a modality of consciously and lovingly entering the heart space, this practice enables one to reach the unified field of the tiny space of the heart. Within this sacred space you remember your connection to all life and that we are all divine beings of Love.
Dorothy is a leader in the field of emotional consciousness and the connection to mind, body and spirit. Her compassionate approach using somatic and sensory awareness safely teaches you how to connect to your body, intuition and knowing to clear emotional wounds at the core.
Credentials • Psychotherapist M.A. Marriage and Family Therapy • Certified Instructor of The Awakening the Illuminated Heart • Clinical Hypnotherapist from the Wellness Institute • Certified in Relational Life Therapy from the Relational Life Institute • Shamanic Practitioner • Meditation Instructor & Workshop Facilitator • The Journey Therapy


Pamela S Nelson

United States

There is no greater gift that I have to offer than to share this powerful workshop with you and to help you remember that we are all Divine Beings and in a relationship of Unity with each other and with Spirit. Every moment is one of creation. I am grateful to be alive at this moment in time. 

It is time to recognize that we are all co-creators of our world and to live from our hearts. 

I was first introduced to the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek in 2008 through his Flower of Life workshop and had the privilege of taking both the Earth/Sky/Heart and Advanced training with Drunvalo in 2010. My entire being and awareness changed profoundly as a result of those 2 weeks. 

After experiencing the newest workshop, Awakening The Illuminated Heart®, and participating in the teacher training, I was accepted as a teacher for The School of Remembering®. There is nowhere else I would rather be ....... my Heart has led me here.
I would like to invite you to join me in Alaska, where you will deepen your connection to the Earth and learn how to create the life you wish to live from your Heart. 

These are ancient processes, allowing you to truly see through your Inner Vision that We All live within One Heart Workshops will be held in Fairbanks, and I am willing to travel to other locations. If you would like to combine a workshop with travel to more remote areas, that is also a possibility. I can’t think of a greater gift than to have the chance to share this experience with you.
I am a Craniosacral Therapist, incorporating energy, work, sound healing, vibration and myofascial release throughout my sessions. I studied energy healing with Alberto Villoldo, Jose Luis Herrera, & Annette Muller. 

I work with children, helping them to expand their perceptual awareness and remember how to see while wearing a blindfold and offer sound baths and sound healing in Fairbanks. I taught Jr/Sr High Teaching Degree in Biology, and for 20 years worked as a traveling correspondence teacher, in the classroom and as a homeschooling Mom. 

I spent 22 years in rural Alaskan villages, and currently live in Fairbanks, Alaska with my husband, cat and chickens. The children have moved out....and this stage of life is in full swing! During my years in rural Alaska, I owned a dog sled team and traveled throughout NW and Interior Alaska whenever possible. 

Those years deepened my love for Alaska and its people. Although I miss those wonderful times, I find I am equally fulfilled by the adventure of sharing through these workshops - the exploration of the universe within each of our Hearts.


Alda Esther Gugiato


Mi nombre es Alda Gugiato; nacida en 1944 en Uruguay. Madre de cinco hijos nueve nietos y dos bisnietos. Actualmente laboralmente jubilada como profesional de instituciones de la salud. Facilitadora del taller¨ Despertando el Corazón" de la autoria de Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Instructora y profesora de Yoga, terapeuta en Medina China, terapeuta en Bioingieneria Cuántica y he cursado varias disciplinas dentro de la medicina alternativa.


Natalie Swedosh


Many blessings,
I am a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and a registered global teacher of ATIH. This work of ATIH Awakening the illuminated Heart is Drunvalo`s advanced training that I have been given the incredible honor of teaching.

It is my passion and life's work as a wellness practitioner and teacher to activate and teach others from around the world how to reconnect to their hearts and lead lives that are empowered and fulfilling.


Rositta Virag


To come...


Malu Abdalla Renzo


"Hello, I'm glad to assist you in any possible ways regarding the loving and essential teachings of my dear teacher and friend Drunvalo Melchizedek. I truly believe his teachings are a blessing to all life, and to all beings who are sincerely open to remember and to put them into action in their lives.
My bio here is in Portuguese, which is my native language, but I can also teach in English and, with a little help, also Spanish.

For me it's a privilege and a pleasure to be of service in assisting you to journeying into your Heart and, from there, remembering who you truly are".

Brasileira, neta de imigrantes sírio-libaneses, apaixonada pelo mundo das imagens e suas linguagens, formou-se em ComunicaçãoVisual e Desenho Industrial pela FAAP-Sao Paulo. Em 81, fundou a Ludens Design Studio onde atuou como diretora de criação e consultora em imagem corporativa, criando símbolos e projetos de identidade visual, com o intuito de traduzir em imagens e ambientes, os conceitos, as virtudes e os sonhos de seus clientes.

Curiosa desde cedo em conhecer e buscar compreender a trajetória bela e ao mesmo tempo trágica da humanidade, cursou História na USP/SP mas percebeu que não encontraria ali as respostas para o que procurava.

Nessa busca de sentido e anseio por aprimorar-se e servir, optou por dedicar-se desde sempre às práticas meditativas e aos caminhos da espiritualidade através de cursos de formação, iniciações e vivências por todo o mundo.

Praticou meditações ativas por vários anos, especialmente a Meditação do Giro, ou Whirling, lecionando essa prática nos Estados Unidos, França, México e Brasil. Tendo como meta a expansão da consciência e o auto-conhecimento, passou a dedicar-se à Geometria Sagrada, ao reconhecimento dos moldes e proporções de criação de tudo o que existe, à admiração da perfeição da vida e à ativação amorosa do Corpo de Luz ou MerKaBa. Pesquisou seus benefícios e modalidades juntamente com pesquisas sobre sons e expressões musicais das mais variadas culturas, principalmente os cantos e sons sagrados de cura e harmonização voltados para a cura verdadeira (healing) em diversos níveis.

A partir de 2010 dedica-se ao estudo e prática de mantras em Sânscrito. Retornou à universidade e apresentou trabalho de conclusão do 7o semestre de Sânscrito na USP, tratando dos mantras em especial da tradição tântrica clássica não-dual. Reconhecendo a profundidade dessa tradição nascida na India, bem como sua similaridade com os ensinamentos não-duais do coração transmitidos por Drunvalo, passa a aprofundar seus estudos do Śaivismo não-dual, do Tantra Clássico e do Ayurveda diretamente com professores tanto acadêmicos como de linhagem prática.

Em 2018, visando atender um público crescente de praticantes-estudiosos no Brasil, passa a desenvolver projetos editoriais de preservação de tradições culturais, desenvolvendo projetos de difusão, tradução e publicação de obras pelo selo Tilakam.
Sua história com Drunvalo:
O encontro pessoal com Drunvalo Melchizedek se deu em 96.

A abertura para o amplo universo da Geometria Sagrada e do MerKaBa (ou Corpo de Luz) foi um marco e um alento, por tratar-se de um conhecimento matriz, que abriga e articula todas as áreas do conhecimento humano. Encontrou-se, segundo suas palavras, "numa escola de conhecimento abrangente, amorosa, onde todos os conhecimentos são acolhidos e respeitados". Os ensinamentos de Geometria Sagrada e do Coração são fundamentais para qualquer caminho de evolução, pelo equilíbrio, clareza e profundidade ao mesmo tempo que de grande simplicidade e compaixão.

No contato pessoal com Drunvalo Melchizedek, seu coração confirmou o sentimento de paz e de estar "de volta para casa". Formou-se facilitadora pela "Flower of Life" em 99 no Arizona/EUA e desde então, ministra cursos Flor da Vida com os ensinamentos de Drunvalo Melchizedek no Brasil junto com sua prima e "irmã de alma" Eloisa Zarzur Cury.

"Trabalhando com grupos pequenos e muito carinho, são mais de 1000 alunos e amigos que tivemos o privilégio de iniciar no Universo da Geometria Sagrada, na matriz de criação que é a Flor da Vida, na abertura do coração e na ativação do MerKaBa, ou Corpo de Luz".

Em Julho de 2011 participa da fundação da nova escola de Drunvalo, a "School of Remembering" (Escola da Lembrança) e gradua-se para ministrar o curso chamado "ATIH - Awakening The Illuminated Heart" ("Despertar do Coração Iluminado"). Como monitora, auxilia na formação de outros professores ATIH no treino internacional subsequente. Desde 2011 vem oferecendo o Curso Despertar do Coração Iluminado em São Paulo e em outros estados brasileiros, juntamente com Eloisa Z. Cury e Nelson Cury.

Trata-se de um curso belíssimo, aberto a todos que queiram aprender a criar sua própria realidade conscientemente, amorosamente, e experimentar viver a partir do chamado "Sagrado dos Sagrados": o Pequeno Espaço Sagrado dentro do Coração.

Nas palavras de Drunvalo: "O amor que lá existe não conhece limites, fronteiras, condições. Ele só conhece a Unidade e cria apenas para trazer alegria para toda a vida, em todos os lugares".
Um convite:

"O mundo está ficando cada vez menor, está cada vez mais próxima a possibilidade de nós nos percebermos como uma só família, ou melhor, um só Ser. É minha intenção servir da melhor forma em retribuição a esta oportunidade maravilhosa que é estar aqui presente nesta época tão especial.
É meu desejo contribuir para que esta transformação acelerada dos nossos tempos seja vivida de forma desperta e seja celebrada com a alegria dos corações que estão batendo amorosamente além da ilusão das polaridades.
É tudo mais simples do que imaginamos. Quer ver? Experimente respirar profundamente olhando com amor nos olhos de quem está à sua frente...".
Agradeço sua visita, até breve!
Malu Abdalla Renzo
Personal Websites:
लोकाः समस्ताः सुिखनो भवन्तु
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu


Plamen Ivanov Topuzov


Пламен Топузов е роден през осемдесета година в България. Част от детството си е прекарал в дълбокия Руски север, където духът му се пробужда за свободата и съзнанието му започва да се стреми към непрекъснат растеж. Като дете индиго, което след това е растяло по времето на социализма в България, Пламен се чувствал притиснат от системата, която ограничавала различните да израстват бързо. Но съдбата му е поднесла шанса да продължи своето земно обучение на Запад, където хората за времето си били по – свободомислещи.

 Новото предизвикателство било Лондон, където той е прекарал 12 години. Там имал възможност да опознае материалния свят в дълбочина, което в по – късен етап му помогнало да надскочи материята и да се обърне навътре към себе си, където се срещнал с неговите духовни Учители. 

В последствие разбрал, че следвал път, който е имал за цел да го срещне с Друнвало Мелхизедек. Среща, която променила целия му съзнателен живот многократно. От тогава  се обучавал в различни държави и традиции по целият свят...Бали, Тайланд, Шриланка са само част от местата. През септември 2018 прекарал 10 дни с племената Коги и Ауако в Колумбия, където черпил допълнително вдъхновение от извора на живота, до който те все още имат достъп.

Преди физическата среща с Друнвало, Пламен е работил и приемал, директно от древното знание на маите и по - точно от някои от техните старейшини. През декември 2012г. е бил с група пилигрими за церемония, по случай посрещането на новия цикъл. Прекарал няколко дни с дон Педро Пабло, главният и най – уважаван старейшина на маите. Присъствал е на интересни лекции и още по – вълнуващи ритуали. След тази церемония, чествали още една, предвождана от друг старейшина на маите – Хумбатц Мен. 

Той провел церемония по посрещането на ерата на Водолея с един от Дванайсетте Автентични Кристални Черепа. През следващата година прекарал 10 дни в друга част на Мексико с Друнвало Мелхизедек, където завършил обучението в „Школата по Припомняне“ и получил сертификат, който му дава право да провежда семинара „Пробуждане на Озареното Сърце“.

 Разбира се, Пламен никога не забравя, че винаги има една стъпка нагоре към Просветлението. Затова продължава да се развива и разширява съзнанието си в сферата на Рейки, life coaching, дори се развива като self help mentor. Също така се впуснал в задълбоченото изучаване на древното знание Кабала, което дава „Училището на Образите“ и през 2014 станал ученик на основателката на училището Катрин Шейнберг. В следствие на всички негови активни усилия през последните няколко години, в медитация получил знание за древна форма на лечение от великата Атлантида.

 Лечение, което балансира и усъвършенства чакрите чрез Светлина, в следствие, на което се премахва енергийно було около физическото тяло на човека, което му пречи да види истинската действителност. През 2015 получил "свалил" от Вселенската Информационна Банка – Акаша, информация за четирите основни измерения, които се намират в нашето ментално и емоционално тяло. 

Също така, как да се правят корекции в менталното и емоционалното тяло за освобождаване на блокиралата енергия там, което довежда до изчистване на личностните деформации. Така се ражда семинара – Алхимия на Съзнанието.


Akiyah Clements​


The heart level view of most of my life can be seen as an oscillation between left brain experiences and right brain experiences until I tried to combine them both by working as a computer analyst during the day and running a massage therapy and Reiki practise in the evenings.
What truly brought it together was the discovery of the writings and teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. The teachings contained within “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo gave credence and blessings to both sets of experiences. The balance between both sides of the brain, between the masculine and feminine became the image.

After a number of workshops by and inspired by Drunvalo, including 2 Flower of Life (activating the MerKaBa), Earth Sky and an early Living in the Heart, I followed my passion to become a certified Flower of Life facilitator. 

I was a licensed and active Flower of Life facilitator for 10 years until Drunvalo made it clear that humanity had surpassed the need for those teachings and started training people to teach Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Yet another move towards balance where one lives, breathes and sees from the heart and from that place of Unity utilizes the whole of the brain.

The first two teacher training classes did not work out for me, and I was elated when a third was organized and everything fell into place for me to attend. The experience at Lake Chapala in Mexico was yet another life changing plunge into the world as explained by Drunvalo. I am now excited to be able to offer my services as a Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart.
There are so many beautiful teachers now spanning the globe, how to know who is the right one for you. Your heart will tell you. Listen!! What I can tell you is that, according to Dan Millman, my birth number is a 3-0 – 3, making my focus in life communication; which is perhaps why I so enjoy offering and sharing this amazing information and experience.

Sharing this information and these experiences has brought me close to so many amazing people in this world – I feel totally blessed. I would love to continue the sharing with you if you if you feel drawn.


Rachel Pelletier


1998 was my first encounter with Drunvalo. I knew I had to become a facilitator of the Flower of Life witch I became in 1999. Being the only French facilitator at the time, the world opened to me: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Tchek Republic, Grece, Quebec.... more that 30 workshops a year.
I was organizing workshops for Drunvalo in Quebec once, some time twice a year from 2002 to 2009 and was part of several adventures (trips) with him. Among others, going in Russia to meet with the teachings related to the kids that sees with no eyes.
In 2005 Drunvalo gave me permission to give what was called at the time : Living in the Heart workshop which later became Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH). My path has also brought me to a wonderful Being: Shin Shiva.
Drunvalo which I got him to meet was considering that He was the greatest kundalini master on Earth that he knew. My life dedication is to help this Humanity to remember Who they are and find the sacred Heart, key to this actual transformation we are in.


Helmuth Shakhtour Bohem


Helmuth Shakhtour es Arquitecto , Master en Bio Arquitectura , experto en  Geometria Sagrada, Coach , Guia Espiritual , Yogui , Empresario Consciente 

Desde el año 2004 ha estudiado la ciencia de la Geometría Sagrada y su aplicación a la arquitectura moderna y el ser humano. 

Actualmente ha dictado conferencias en Universidades Chilenas y extrajeras mostrando en profundidad el estudio y aplicación de la geometría sagrada.

Desde el año 2013 es parte de la escuela del recordar ( school of remembering), certificados por Drunvalo Melchizedeck para dictar sus talleres en chile y el mundo.


Claudio Alvarez Dunn


Claudio Alvarez-Dunn es un periodista cuya visión luego del salir del matrix es reportar nuestro regreso a la Fuente. Es maestro certificado de Yoga y de Reiki, además de maestro certificado en el taller Despertando el Corazón Iluminado (Drunvalo Melkisedeck). 

Realiza meditaciones guiadas y se ha iniciado en otras disciplinas como Kriya Yoga según las enseñanzas de SRF, Trascendental Rebirthing, Kunlun System y la Flor de la Vida, entre otras. 

Es autor de los libros "Ríndete al proceso espiritual" escrito tras superar un derrame cerebral (ediciones en México 2017, España 2018 y Colombia 2019) y de "Los Hombres sólo pensamos en Sexo" (Puerto Rico 2010, México 2012), donde plantea cómo superar la obsesión y encontrar el camino del amor.

English version:

Claudio Alvarez-Dunn is a journalist whose vision after leaving the matrix is to report our return to the Source. He is a Yoga and Reiki certified teacher, as well as a certified teacher in the workshop Awakening the Illuminated Heart (by Drunvalo Melkisedeck).

He performs guided meditations and has started in other disciplines as Kriya Yoga, following the teachings of SRF, Transcendental Rebirthing, Kunlun System, and the Flower of Life, among others.

 He is the author of the books  "Surrender to the spiritual process" written after overcoming a stroke (editions in Mexico 2017, Spain 2018, and Colombia 2019)  and "Men only think about sex" (Puerto Rico 2010 and Mexico 2012) where poses how to overcome the obsession of sex and find the path of love.


Juliana Bohórquez-Pinzón


Colombian (South America) Artist and Systemic expert. Who annually guides the Vision Quest and Earth Dance, between other ancestral ceremonies with the legacy of Grandmother Margarita, one of the global elders council members, with whom for more than 10 years they created together the project of a primary forest reserve in Colombia (Fractal Regeneration). Juliana was trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek for which she is part of her trainers at the School of Remembering and organizes other gatherings of spiritual relevance.

She is a consultant in Transformations Systems Mapping & Analysis, works with socio-ecological transformation processes at a global level in the context of Bioregions. She leads social mobilization processes and is university professor of the Transdisciplinary Master of Sustainable Living Systems program.

Also she is founder of Meráki® and SysLab® (Systemic Lab), dedicated to research and application innovation in different social and organizational dynamics and patterns. She conducts training for leaders, advises social design processes, and gives workshops internationally. She is a researcher and co-author of education programs for socio-ecological regeneration and transformation.

As director of social mobilization initiatives, she was nominated for the UN SDG Action Awards from the United Nations. Since 2005 she has worked around social reconciliation in the context of the armed conflict in Colombia, as an activist, film documentary maker, researcher and photographer. She was one of the founders of the 'Peace Camp' and one of the leaders of the citizen movement of 2016 in Colombia, in addition to citizen action, she contributed diverse social-ecological processes from Colombian and Latin America.

About her professional training she is Master of Arts from Universidad de los Andes, Master of Education for Development and Global Learning from UCL (London), Master of Systemic Pedagogy from CUDEC (Mexico). She is certified Coach, Organizational Systemic Work Trainer (Hellinger Instituut Holland) and Master Trainer from INFOSYON (Germany).

Artista Colombiana y experta Sistémica. Guía la Búsqueda de Visión y la Danza de la Tierra, entre otras ceremonias ancestrales siguiendo el legado de la Abuela Margarita, una de las integrantes del consejo global de ancestros, con quien por más de 10 años crearon juntas el proyecto de una reserva de bosque primario en Colombia: Calpulli El Trébol (Regeneración Fractal). Juliana fue entrenada por Drunvalo Melchizedek por lo cual forma parte de sus formadores en la Escuela del Recordar y organiza otros encuentros de relevancia espiritual.

Es consultora en mapeo y análisis de sistemas vivos, trabaja en transformación socioecológica a nivel global en el contexto de Biorregiones. Lidera procesos de movilización social y es profesora universitaria del programa de Maestría Transdisciplinaria en Sistemas de Vida Sostenible.

También es fundadora de Meráki® y SysLab® (Laboratorio Sistémico), dedicados a la aplicación del pensamiento sistémico para diferentes contextos sociales y organizacionales. Realiza capacitaciones a líderes, asesora procesos de diseño social e imparte talleres a nivel internacional. Es investigadora y coautora de programas de educación para la regeneración y transformación socioecológica.

Como directora de iniciativas de movilización social, recibió la nominación a los premios UN SDG Action Awards de las Naciones Unidas. Desde 2005 trabaja en torno a la reconciliación social en el contexto del conflicto armado en Colombia, como activista, documentalista, investigadora y fotógrafa. Fue una de las fundadoras del 'Campamento por  la Paz' y una de las líderes del movimiento ciudadano de 2016 en Colombia, impulsando la firma del acuerdo.

Sobre su formación profesional es Maestra en Artes de la Universidad de los Andes, Maestría en Educación para el Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Global de la UCL (Londres), Maestría en Pedagogía Sistémica de CUDEC (México). Es Coach certificada, Formadora en Trabajo Sistémico Organizacional y formadora de formadores en Constelaciones (Hellinger Instituut Holland) y Master Trainer por INFOSYON (Alemania).


Thomas C De winter


Phycial spirituality


Gareth adonai


Gareth works as a spiritual teacher, tour operator and guide and composer. He organizes spiritual trips to Egypt and Mexico & Guatemala through adonai reisen. He offers books, CDs and DVDs through adonai esobücher. He has a music studio in which he produces meditation and relaxation music in 432 Hz according to the rules of sacred geometry, which are sold through his music label adonai records.
In 2006 he founded the adonai merkaba institut in Bavaria to research the coarse and subtle nature of human reality and to disseminate this knowledge through seminars and lectures. His research and background include meditation, Flower of Life, Mer-Ka-Ba, Sacred Geometry, Breathing Technique, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Numerology, Egyptian Alchemy, Crop Circles, Human History, Quantum and Metaphysics, Microbiology and Bioenergy.
Recently his interest in ancient Sumer and Egypt and in the study of time and illusion has increased. He wrote a chapter in the book "Trink Wasser (Drinking Water)" about the "Sacred Geometry of Water" and worked with Eckhard Weber on the book "Der Kornkreiscode (The Crop Circle Code)".
Gareth has held hundreds of merkaba workshops and lectures since 2001, in which he brings his love and humor and passes on his broad knowledge and experience. He had the wonderful opportunity to meet Drunvalo personally in 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2012 and to learn from him in many workshops. It is gareth's wish that through the ATIH workshops everyone can now benefit from this great knowledge and transform themselves into the highest form of themselves.


Valentina Scognamiglio


Since I incarnated on this wonderful planet, I knew I was here for a higher reason, but I did not what it was at that time. So, I started searching and searching for the Truth and the Unveiled.

At the time I was a teenager I met a book that explained the existance of Spirit beyond matter and the spiritual sense of our lives, that made so much sense for me!! I was finally so happy and open-hearted...this was the meaning I was looking for so desperately! Since then I have been kept on reading, studying, attending courses and workshops and learning all that meant to me...I was following my inner guidance...and the major lesson I was learning was "Trust".
I have been so supported during all my path, Life is great and I am so grateful, I have always been. When I met Melchizedeck consciousness through Drunvalo's work I realized that was "home" for me and I just remembered that my purpose in life was to be at Service. And here I am. 

Teaching and learning everyday Life lessons, Universal Laws and the Beauty of Truth and Love. Be trustful, be joyful and everything will unfold just in front of your eyes for your greatest good.

From my heart to yours, Valentina.


Claudia Gonzalez de la Garza


Hi, I´m Clo de la Garza, from San Luis Potosí Mexico. I´ve been a Certified Teacher for the school of Drunvalo Melhizedeck since 2013. I also teach about Femenine Energy since that same time, everything opened for me since I took my first workshop with Drunvalo in 2012.

 I have the privilege of accompanying young girls in their transition period of beocming women; working the Sacred Femenine guiding Women Circles, and workshops about Femenine Sexuality and Conscious Menstruation. I also teach Creation Workshops from the approach of quantum physics.


Rosi Barrera Oaxaca


Rosi was certified as ATIH teacher by Drunvalo in 2013. Being fluent in english, french and spanish she has been teaching in different countries by invitation, sharing with groups the complete Drunvalo's ATIH Teachings, the original teachings of Extraocular Vision for Children and Teachers Training for adults, heart imagerie for healing as well as the Intuitive Children's Program on line.


Carlos r casillas


Around 2007, I was just recovering from a life of excess and addiction problems. During that journey, I understood that everything we need is already inside each one of us, that is why I dedicated myself to an active search and practice of the spiritual path: I started my path in 2007 with the Vipassana meditation technique –the one that Siddhartha Gautama- The Buddha used to get enlightened. 

And I been working and studying Kabbalah, Pythagorean Numerology, Angel Therapy, among other philosophies that guided my spiritual path. And after I activated my Merkaba from the heart, I had a big quantum leap in my consciousness and my life mission was revealed: to be a channel for the spiritual awakening and to guide people towards ascension. With that goal in mind, I advanced through my learning path. 

I became certified as a teacher by Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering, and I facilitate the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. Then I also got certified as an Avatar Master, technique developed by Harry Palmer about letting go the limiting beliefs and how to clean our minds in order to outline the map we wish for our lives.

 I also became certified as an EOV Master (Extra Ocular Vision). This over-thirty-five-year-old-method developed in México by Noé Esperón, shows people how to see with their consciousness, blinded eyes. It allows children, teenagers and adults to grow their intuition, self-confidence and perception, among other consciousness attributes.

 I am being trained to become a medium and have channeled many messages from, Saint Germain, Lord Sananda (Joshua), Master Hilarion, The Ashtar Command, and many other’s Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, giving messages to humanity. On the other hand, in order to focus on the physical body as well, I became certified as Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York City. 

Thanks to all my experiences and learnings, I have been able to help people in a holistic way, addressing mind, body and soul as a whole. through this powerful workshop and currently I work with my wife Padme in our company WAOPlanet a multi-media platform where we share spiritual information for your awaikening. Today, I am glad to share with you the tools I’ve learned. I hope this can be a beautiful, positive life-change, and a quantum leap for your consciousness. 

I am Carlos R. Casillas and with my wife Padme together we give this wonderful workshop by merging our polarities in one so your experience would be much better!! I would be honored to help you Remember. We will meet you in our next workshop. blessings from heart to heart!!!


Claudia Gonzalez de la Garza


When I started living the Path of the Heart in 2012 I was changed forever. Perhaps I just stoped wanting to be someone else and started following my Heart´s desires.

I´ve been teaching this workshop since 2013.
I share the Divine Femenine Masculine through Women Circles, courses and workshops.
I create experiences for people to discover their creative power and connect with Mother Nature.

I will be honored to learn from you and to share with you what I have experienced and is part of me now.

From my Heart

You may follow me on Instagram and FB


Anicha Vos


Anicha Vos set up a workshop in Amsterdam (Zij aan Zij Ateliers) for people with ‘special abilities’ at 1997 using Art Therapy, that helps them integrate into society. She did this for 6 years.

At the same time giving Belly Dance Performances, (combined with Indian Kathak and Spanish Flamenco) in Amsterdam, Ibiza and Paris for 12 years.

After that she became a Belly Dance teacher, a Raja Yoga Instructor. (during a 4 year teachers training)

Anicha finished Drunvalo Melchizedec’s ATIH teachers training of  lifework April 2015 (see books Flower of Life 1 & 2 and Living in the Heart) and gives these 4 day workshops until today. Drunvalo worked together with HeartMath Institute and this is part of the training.

Then Anicha became also a Certified Facilitator for Access Consciousness during 4 years, until 2020, teaching the Bars, the Foundation (4 days) and healing Bodyprocesses.

Since November 2018 Anicha Vos & Marcel Hof started to work together, giving workshops and online course. Combining Marcel Hof’s and Anicha’s speciality’s. (Heart Meditation and Quantum Hypnosis)
Wim Hof, the Iceman, is Marcel's brother with who he trained for more than 30 years.

In the start of 2019 Anicha became a Creatrix Transformologist and a practitioner of The Richards Trauma Proces in Australia. 

Using Hypnosis and Creatrix helps her clients solve the issues of past trauma and distressing events.

Anicha studied these aspects to be able to help people with past trauma, for who it's challenging to be and stay in the Heart. Making it possible for people to experience Universe in the Tiny Space of the Heart, to remember how connected we are and how to create from there, that is her calling.

Anicha makes Drunvalo's teachings simple, joyful, profound and accessable to everyone!


Denise Catherine Petit

New Zealand

Dee Petit is a Certified Life Coach, Awakening the Illuminated Heart meditation teacher and a facilitator of young and mature woman’s empowerment workshops and youth programs throughout Auckland New Zealand.

I am deeply honoured to walk this sacred path with people as we "Remember who we truly are" and why we are here on Earth during this most suspicious time as we transition into higher consciousness.

We are so much more than we think we are at this moment! Being an 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart®'-teacher is a heart centred compassionate service that is enlightening, exhilarating and energetic shape shifting to the highest form.


Anne Marie Trifu


My name is Anne Marie and I love to guide people into their sacred space of the heart to discover their true Self (Higher Self, God within), their true freedom and self love. I have a loving husband who totally supports me because he also has training into higher consciousness so we have been helping over 3000 people to discover more of their true Self, to find more freedom in their lives. If your heart resonates with me get in touch with me and let me know about you and we will find a way to get you to your next level of evolution.


Dmitry V Ermakov


I'm an ordinary one, but all my life seeking for truth, love, peace and real creativity


Montserrat Tello Lopez


Enfermera psicoterapeuta. Diplomada en Medicina China y otras disciplinas de sanación para el despertar de la conciencia.

Canalizadora de los Seres de Luz para la Sanación Espiritual.

Seguidora de Drunvalo Melchizedek desde el año 2003, he participado de sus enseñanzas y viajes espirituales hasta la actualidad.  Desde aquí envío mi gratitud a este Ser maravilloso e incondicional por todo su compartir de amor y sabiduría, GRACIAS DRUNVALO! 

Facilitadora de talleres:

- “La Flor de la Vida y la Geometría Sagrada”

- "Despertando el Corazón Iluminado” 

- “Respiración Ovárica y Alquimia Femenina"

Mis aficiones: el Chi-kung, los viajes, la jardinería, la pintura, la astrología, el cine y el silencio contemplativo.


Monica Ljungberg Öhrn


Hi, I have been following Drunvalo and his teachings since 1995 and it is an honor to be one of his certified teachers.
Since I was a child I have been aware of that there are more between heaven and earth than most of us humans usually think. And also that we are here of a purpose. I have lived with that and when I got in contact with Dunvalo - at last I got a lot of answers and someone to go with me on my path.
I am also an educated school teacher. I travel a lot and my work is mainly in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. With lots of love, Monica


Nathan Khan

United Kingdom

I first came across Drunvalo’s information, stories and meditations in 2002. This has been the catalyst for countless experiences and has helped me to remember so many things. The most amazing of them all has been returning my center of awareness to the tiny space of my heart.

Remembering this part of the map of human consciousness has opened unlimited door ways and with the will of our Mother\Father god I wish to be of service to my brothers and sisters by sharing this work as we dance back into full unity consciousness. 

I am also trained in Land Healing in a way that is in complete alinement with living from the heart. I can do this remotely or in person. I am a proud and grateful to be a Dad to 2 beautiful children.

I was a professional charity fundraiser for a number of years and I also have organised many community dance events. I hold down a full time job. I enjoy and honour the challenge of staying locked in to my heart in all situations.

I also very much enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life. I have always been very passionate about sound. I love to dance and DJ. Feel free to give me a play on soundcloud DJ Spirtfire. 

It would be a huge honour if you decide join me for the Awakening the illuminated heart workshop I assure you I take this responsibility very seriously and with the upmost integrity ❤️


Michelle Pacheco

United States

“Making a make a difference in at least one person's life!" is Michelle's motto that made her give up a successful corporate career in banking in the US and follow her passion- working with people for their awakening to a new consciousness!

Originated from Romania, Michelle moved to the United States 30 years ago, where she made the “American Dream” come true. Despite her success, in 2010 she left the corporate banking world and dedicated herself to her higher mission, becoming a Spiritual Coach and Energy Healer.  

Michelle has been a Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart since 2011, working with Drunvalo Melkizedek from the inception of School of Remembering..

She also is a Certified Coach and Facilitator in powerful healing techniques, like BreathMastery led by Dan Brule,  Master of Reiki and practitioner  of  School of Images® led by Catherine Shainberg.

Michelle continuously shared her knowledge and experience with thousands of people worldwide, preserving the integrity of Drunvalo's work, in hundred workshops over the past 10 years, applying all the knowledge she gained through her education, and from her ancestral remembrance and inner wisdom.

She also founded American Romanian Association Breathing Therapy, Facilitating the BreatheMastery, Training the trainers, organizing periodical workshops with Dan Brule.

During present times of critical change in consciousness, she desires to support the process of healing and awakening for as many people as possible.

Michelle is a gifted spiritual Guide, that is gently leading you on the path for meeting with Your Higher Self. Above all her knowledge, techniques and Certifications, Michelle uniqueness is her profound connection and authentic bonding with every participant.

More than workshops, seminars or private sessions, Michelle’s work is about living unique Experiences and Bonding. Guiding people from her Tiny Space of the Heart, helping them to reconnect with unconditional Love, Michelle is connecting Hearts.

ATIH Certified Teacher workshop ““Awakening the Illuminated Heart®” at Drunvalo Melchizedek, School of Remembering® 

Energy Healer & Spiritual Coach / Personal Development "The Art of Emotional Healing" - Creator and Facilitator 

Certified BreathMastery Facilitator and Coach / BreathMastery (Dan Brule) & American Romanian Association Breathing Therapy (ARATR)

International Certified Reiki Master - Reiki Practitioner & Trainer / William Lee Rand - The International Center for Reiki Training ®

Studied at School of Images® with Catherine Shainberg


Joshua Daniel Rinaldi

United States

The mountains and forests of Northeast Pennsylvania is where Joshua Rinaldi is from. It was his connection to nature combined with his passion for music that planted the seeds that would grow into what they are today.
Joshua's love for music moved him to pursue an Associate of Science degree in audio engineering in 2006. Understanding the dynamics of frequency and wave form would later prove to have a much deeper meaning and purpose in life beyond that of just music for entertainment.
Higher guidance led Josh to the study of human consciousness, meditation, and crystals, along with different healing modalities and tools such as reiki, sound healing, and tachyon technology. Greatly inspired by the work of Michael Tellinger, Graham Hancock, Joseph Campbell, and on and on.
His relentless search for answers was starting to pay off. Josh's journey of self discovery brought him to Sedona Arizona and the Southwest United States in 2011. Since then Josh has traveled all over the U.S and in April of 2013, it was off to Guadalajara Mexico to complete his training to become an Awakening the Illuminated Heart teacher.


Sumiko Shieri Watanabe

United States

Hello, it may be you who saw my profile by accident. Maybe was not just a coincidence, but perhaps we are connected in our hearts? I have been qualified as an ATIH teacher this life but maybe you were my teacher more than 10,000 years ago. Let's connect our hearts again. I am constantly learning from all students. Let's remember who we really are and that we are all connected with our heart through the workshops.


Jason Thomas Hunt

United States

Jason Hunt received his ATIH teacher certification on May 11, 2012 after finishing the required training set by the School of Remembering® and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Jason is one of just over 250 people certified world-wide in the School of Remembering® to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® meditation. He was trained and selected by the School of Remembering® Council and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
The ATIH workshop is the culmination of Drunvalo's life work and includes his newest teachings. The ATIH workshop is being given to assist all of Humanity in our ascension. Jason came to Drunvalo's work in 1994 and was led to the Flower of Life and Right Eye of Horus Mystery Schools directly afterward in Jan. of 1995.
From there he came to Drunvalo's direct teaching in the Earth/Sky and Living in the Heart workshops in 1997-2000. He has trained with Ken Page, who is Drunvalo's nephew, being certified in the Heart and Soul Healing method in 1998. Jason is a long time practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga initiate, Sufi Order initiate, and third degree Reiki practitioner and teacher in the Usui tradition.
Jason makes his home in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. He is offering workshops worldwide, having taught people from 19 countries besides the U.S. If you are ready to begin this work, and receive the tools you need for ascension, it is his privilege, honor and great joy to assist you in this time.


Paul Linder

United States

Hello and welcome again to your own self-discovery! Read on for an introduction to my education in preparation for offering the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to you.

The teaching brought to us by Drunvalo is one of many mystical expressions that I have enjoyed discovering and exploring in this life. I have taken Drunvalo's Flower Of Life workshop which included the basics of Sacred Geometry and the activation of the MerKaBa in the "old way", using 17 breaths, mudras, and visioning. I attended the "Living In The Heart" workshop in 2007 prior to my first "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" in 2012.

I have always been fascinated in how things work and how each one of us has unique combinations of beliefs on which we depend to understand and explain how our own lives function in relation to the reality we're in. I have learned that the beliefs themselves have been the greatest limiting factor in understanding more. I chose to become a certified teacher of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to assist in breaking down the limiting beliefs and support our group awakening of which we are all participants.

The clear memory of lying in my crib as a baby and discovering that I had hands was the first experiential proof that I was not my body (nor still am). The feelings and nerve sensations I felt were part of the physical and emotional body that I inhabited, and were not my real self -- the consciousness that witnesses them. Since then, I have grown to know  an objectivity to this dream and am pleased to find anyone else who notices the same. I have found Drunvalo's work to be a coherent explanation of navigating between this dream and reality that is accessible to all who are curious.

Having a conventional college education in fine art and computer engineering taught me how to relate to people from widely varying perspectives and to understand how far too many of us are convinced into living from within our minds.   

In 1999, I began studying Attunement and became a certified Attunement practitioner. Attunement is an energy healing practice which focuses on the expression of Being. I have also studied Lakota ceremonies with the Lakota Chief Phil Crazy Bull. Having also studied musical, physical, mystical, and religious subjects I am provided with perspectives to assist you on your own journey of discovery.  

If this page feels good to you even in spite of the awkward words I've written here, allow me to assist you through this wonderful AITH workshop. Your guides have led you here for a reason that you will find within yourself. Yes, it's true!

In love,


Evelyn Viviana Guerra

United States

Evelyn is one of approximately 300 worldwide certified teachers of the School of Remembering® that has been entrusted to teach the 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart'® workshop. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering® Council.

Born in Peru, Evelyn moved to the United States at the young age of 9. Since very young she knew that life was more than what appears on the surface. She fell in love with music, dancing, writing poetry, and acting. The creative arts propelled her and guided her to higher levels of consciousness. Being able to tune in to these higher realms of creativity showered her with love, bliss, and happiness - a direct connection with Great Spirit. 

Since becoming a certified Awakening the Illuminated Heart teacher several years ago, she has been holding powerful workshops all over the world to bring forth a deeper wisdom of the teachings that can be found in Drunvalo's work, to people from a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, and cultures. One thing is for sure, she has a dedicated love for these powerful workshops which she will hold space for any amount of people at any one time. 

From the experienced to people newly seeking, she is able to have a powerful effect on everyone who attends. Most students end up getting involved in future workshops and also become like family, as well as they have all expressed a deep gratitude for her services, time, energy, and wisdom in a way that is truly beautiful to witness. Based in New York, she offers workshops not only in her home state but also worldwide. 

As well as her Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops, Evelyn is the founder of In One Heart and, where she offers her experience as a certified Level I and II Reiki practitioner, woman empowerment workshops, Mystical retreats to the jungles of Peru to explore plant medicines, the sacred sites of the Incas, and the traditions of the shamans, as well as she does sound healing and a very powerful meditation called 'Shamanic Breathwork' in which participants come to learn the powerful effects of breath on meditation often triggering massive healing and enlightening visions. 

She is a firm believer that learning is a never ending adventure, an eternal process. She always expresses gratitude for the masters and sages that have walked the path, leaving infinite wisdom in their scriptures, teachings, and guidance for all of us to continue our spiritual journey. 

Words fail to convey the love, devotion, and passion she embodies to assist our brothers and sisters in the human family to connect once again to our divine selves, our I AM presence, and help to understand the connection and oneness of all. 

"I leave you with this beautiful poem, which is one of my favorites from the great mystic Rumi. With love, light, laughter, and sovereignty from my heart to yours." 

- Evelyn "You have no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You.. Nothing seemed right. What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me." - Rumi


Carolyne Maree Gowen


Carolyne Gowen is a passionate and experienced meditation teacher. Carolyne is a certified teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart.
She has participated enthusiastically and extensively with Drunvalo Melchelzidek, attending the Flower of Life and the Earth/ Sky/ Living in the Heart workshops in Sydney, America and Spain. She now teaches classes in Sydney, Australia. Carolyne also completed her Meditation teacher training at the Chopra Centre in the US to with Deepak Chopra.
She has created the essential step-by-step online course  - The Meditation Blueprint - which is a beautiful journey within to contact the stillness to reduce stress and anxiety.
Almost one thousand people have attended Carolyne’s meditation classes, including CEOs, entrepreneurs, politicians, doctors, lawyers, parents, school children, people suffering severe depression, anxiousness, cancer patients, other illness and everyone in-between.


Wolfgang Lehmann


Hallo und herzlich willkommen in meinem Profil. Ich heiße Wolfgang Lehmann. Ich freue mich von ganzem Herzen, dass du dich für Atih und meine Tätigkeit als spiritueller Lehrer interessierst. Meine Geschichte beginnt mit meiner Geburt in Salzburg im Jahr 1961.
Aufgewachsen bin ich in Kanada und lebe seit 30 Jahren in Österreich. Astrologisch betrachtet bin ich Zwilling im Aszendenten Löwe. Meine Stärken sind nach meinem astrologischen Zeichen die Kommunikation und die Herzensenergie des Löwen. Somit war und ist mein Weg vorgezeichnet. Mein Erwachen hat vor über 25 Jahren mit der Ausbildung zum 1.Reiki-Grad begonnen. Weitere Ausbildungen und Erfahrungen kamen dazu.
Ich habe mich auch intensiv mit den indigenen Völkern beschäfigt, so habe ich auch schamanische Ausbildungen bei den Queros, 4Winds machen können. Ergänzend habe ich auch Ausbildungen in russischen Heilmethoden, Klangarbeit absolviert. Beruflich bin ich Sozialpädagoge, Englisch Lehrer und Heilmasseur. Es ist mir immer bewusster geworden, dass die wahre Heilung nur über die Herzensenergie und dem Bewusstsein des Herzens stattfinden kann.
In Zeiten wie diesen, in denen wir immer weiter von dieser Qualität weggebracht werden, ist es umso wichtiger diesen Workshop zu erfahren und die daraus erlernten Methoden zu leben. Ich freue mich euch auf diesem Weg des Herzens zu begleiten. Euer Wolfgang Lehman


Nelson Michel Cury


Brasileiro, filho de imigrantes libaneses, batizado católico, fiz minha formação nível médio em colégio católico jesuíta e formação superior em Engenharia Mecânica e sempre me dediquei profissionalmente no ramo industrial.
Paralelamente, desde meus 23 anos passei a frequentar uma escola filosófica de controle e desenvolvimento da mente por 10 anos, o que me levou a me dedicar, durante e a posteriori, a estudos sobre autoconhecimento, tais como Numerologia, Cristais, Reiki, Eneagrama, Radietesia/Radiônica, Astrologia da alma, Noções básicas de MTC, etc.
Nos anos 90, tive o privilégio de conhecer Drunvalo Melchizedek através dos cursos Flower of Life, depois Earth and Sky/Living in a Heart, para finalmente em 2011, quando da fundação da School of Remembering através do primeiro workshop Awakening the Illuminated (Despertando o Coração Iluminado), e, ao concluir o workshop, tivemos a maravilhosa surpresa: Drunvalo nos contempla com a formação para professor deste belíssimo curso, que tivemos o prazer e a honra de trazê-lo para o Brasil e compartilhá-lo com nossos irmãos brasileiros.
E junto com minha esposa Eloisa, e a prima Malu, temos compartilhado esse conhecimento, ao mesmo tempo profundo e leve, onde somos testemunhas vivas das transformações dos seres que nos deram a honra de juntos vivenciarmos experiências sublimes, advindas deste conhecimento! Convido a todos a beberem desta mesma fonte!!!


Camellia Val


Hello shining Souls,

 What a great blessing it is to live my soul's journey! I always knew that something very beautiful and significant will take place in this lifetime.
 My path as a teacher of School of Remembering started long ago, I can say from the day I was born, because Great Spirit already knew what my mission will be and prepared me well for this moment.

Every turn of the road of life has brought me insights and precious gifts. In 2002 I went through major sickness and life changes, and it was then, when I awoke to the Light I am. I healed and transformed myself and my life. 

During that time I learned so much about myself, about principles of energy, intuitive healings, communications with crystals and the Higher Spiritual world. 
I was deeply called to offer my services to those who were ready to change their life as well. 

Everything that I needed to know was shown to me - I just followed the guidance. It brought me to Korea's Buddhist Temples; to Sedona for the Dahn Healing School; to Peru to work with shamans; to Yucatan to meet the Serpent of Light of the new Female Cycle of Times; to the Temples and Pyramids of Egypt to chant in Ceremonies as I did long ago in Atlantian times.

I was greatly inspired from the work of Paramahansa Yogananda, Osho, Zi Gang Sha, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and all the wisdom coming from the native people.
 For me, each journey was a confirmation that
 Love is the one that heals,
 Love is the one that inspires us with its power,
 Love is the one that brings peace,
 Love is the one that renews us,
 Love is the one that makes us certain without a doubt,
 Love is the one that harmonizes our differences
 Love is coming only from the Heart.


Still something was missing - how do we create the New World of Love, Beauty and Harmony? How do we enter into ascension together and create the reality of One United Consciousness? I am deeply grateful that in that time of questioning Great Spirit presented Drunvalo Melchizedek and his teachings! In a brief time, many doors opened and the "impossible" become easy flow. 

Becoming a Certified Teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop fulfills my heart with so much joy, bliss and deep gratitude!
 My dream has become true! I feel that this work offers a beautiful, profound and yet simple way to truly open the heart and connect with the energy of Ascension. 

Since I became a Certified Teacher of Drunvalo's School of Remembering, I hosted more than a hundred workshops internationally, touching the hearts of hundreds of people and igniting the spark of Melchizedek Consciousness of Light! The Light of Love, that naturally unite us in One Living Being and prepare us for Ascension! 

Let's together share the Light we are, the Love we are! Let's be together in all our differences, embrace them in harmony and create from our dreaming hearts the beautiful New World!
 With deep gratitude to Spirit and all Creation! 



Agathi & Daniel Mitel
