Akiyah Clements

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(780) 807-4387
Certified and Active ATIH Teacher
The heart level view of most of my life can be seen as an oscillation between left brain experiences and right brain experiences until I tried to combine them both by working as a computer analyst during the day and running a massage therapy and Reiki practise in the evenings.
What truly brought it together was the discovery of the writings and teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. The teachings contained within “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo gave credence and blessings to both sets of experiences. The balance between both sides of the brain, between the masculine and feminine became the image.
After a number of workshops by and inspired by Drunvalo, including 2 Flower of Life (activating the MerKaBa), Earth Sky and an early Living in the Heart, I followed my passion to become a certified Flower of Life facilitator.
I was a licensed and active Flower of Life facilitator for 10 years until Drunvalo made it clear that humanity had surpassed the need for those teachings and started training people to teach Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Yet another move towards balance where one lives, breathes and sees from the heart and from that place of Unity utilizes the whole of the brain.
The first two teacher training classes did not work out for me, and I was elated when a third was organized and everything fell into place for me to attend. The experience at Lake Chapala in Mexico was yet another life changing plunge into the world as explained by Drunvalo. I am now excited to be able to offer my services as a Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart.
There are so many beautiful teachers now spanning the globe, how to know who is the right one for you. Your heart will tell you. Listen!! What I can tell you is that, according to Dan Millman, my birth number is a 3-0 – 3, making my focus in life communication; which is perhaps why I so enjoy offering and sharing this amazing information and experience.
Sharing this information and these experiences has brought me close to so many amazing people in this world – I feel totally blessed. I would love to continue the sharing with you if you if you feel drawn.