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Ronald Louis LaPlace

Ronald Louis LaPlace
ATIH Teacher Certificate

Alberta, Canada

Email address:

Contact phone number:
(780) 519-1274

website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

Ron’s relationship to the esoteric nature of life began when he dropped out of university and instead began taking the College Lessons of the Brotherhood of the White Temple. That relationship with metaphysics continues to this day.

Ron has been presenting the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek since 1998. First, as a certified facilitator for Flower of Life, then as one of only 2 teachers given permission to teach Living In the Heart and finally as a certified teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart since 2011.

15 years ago he also began a journey with new ways of working with sound to assist in bringing balance to the energy systems of the body - be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Ron assisted in developing a new technique known as the Fibonacci Process™ that brings together the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sacred Geometry and the frequencies of the Planets.

The most recent iteration of this work has now incorporated a combination of new technology and Spirit in ways that assist individuals and larger groups in finding the balance known as the Unified Field. This work is named SpiritTec™ .

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