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The Power and Importance of the Unity Breath

I love teaching the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop and am so grateful to my teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek for creating it!

There are so many elements to the workshop, but two of the most powerful are connecting with your Higher Self for guidance and for learning to create from your heart in a meditation called The Creation Process.

What is so powerful about this combination is that when we connect to our Higher Self, this becomes a very reliable source of guidance in our lives. In the creation process, we can take this orientation and then create in a powerful way. I like to think of connection to our Higher Self as our GPS and The Creation Process as a powerful vehicle that can take us there.

In doing The Creation Process, we drop from the head to the heart and learn do create from a very unified and coherent place within our heart rather than our head. There are many benefits to this including bypassing a number of limitations and obstacles that one encounters when creating from the head. Not only are the outward results far better than traditional manifestation methods, we can reach a heightened state, both energetically and emotionally during the meditation. It feels amazing!!!

One important element that they both have in common is being able to move our consciousness into two specific energetic spaces within the physical heart. This is different than the regular awareness we experience when we experience heart centered emotion.

The finding of these two very specific places depends on two things: knowing specific pathways in and also shifting our vibrational state to be able to perceive them.

This is where The Unity Breath comes in.

The Unity Breath Meditation was given to Drunvalo Melchizedek during a visitation from Sri Yukteswar, Yogananda's teacher in a vision before he was to go on stage to speak at an event in 1994. The full account is shared by Drunvalo in his beautiful book "Living in the Heart" which I highly recommend as he shares the full version of the meditation as well as two ways to enter The Sacred Space of the Heart. In The Unity Breath Meditation you connect with Mother Earth by generating a strong feeling of love and appreciation for her as you Divine Mother then send your love to her through the center of the Earth and then receive a response in the form of love back from her. You then repeat this with Father Sky by feeling love for him as your Divine Father, send this love to him via the sun and then be open for the flow of love back from him. In 2012 Drunvalo was guided to also include sending and receiving love with your inner child as well to complete the trinity of Sacred Mother, Sacred Father and Divine Child.

While this meditation is powerful enough on its own, it also has another effect. When someone really feels this love strongly, sends it out, receives love back and then rests in this state of communion, the resulting vibration is very close to the vibration of The Sacred Space of the Heart. From the Sacred Space which is the home of our personal Akashic Records, we can then move into The Tiny Space of the Heart which is the home of the Universal Akashic Records and also where we create from during the Creation Process.

While the Sacred Spaced and Tiny Space have a close relationship vibrationally, most people's vibration in their ordinary state of consciousness is very different from The Sacred Space which presents a sizable barrier to entry. When we do the Unity Breath fully and completely and feel powerful love and then send and receive it, this closes this gap and if you know one of the ways in, and we share three different ones in the ATIH Workshop, you can flow into the space reliably and with ease.

One subtle point is this. While this meditation can be a way to access the state of being to enable you to flow into the Sacred Space, it's important to not let this meditation only be for the purpose of accomplishing some end like entering The Sacred Space. If someone does this, the energy can become transactional "I do this thing because I want this other thing". It's important to do this with all of your heart purely because you love Mother Earth and Father Sky so much and you are so grateful to connect with them in this way.

Here's the paradox: When you dive into The Unity Breath for its own sake as if it wasn't going to lead to anything, it ends up leading to Everything.

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