Rachel Pelletier
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Licensed and active ATIH teacher
1998 was my first encounter with Drunvalo. I knew I had to become a facilitator of the Flower of Life witch I became in 1999. Being the only French facilitator at the time, the world opened to me: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Tchek Republic, Grece, Quebec.... more that 30 workshops a year.
I was organizing workshops for Drunvalo in Quebec once, some time twice a year from 2002 to 2009 and was part of several adventures (trips) with him. Among others, going in Russia to meet with the teachings related to the kids that sees with no eyes.
In 2005 Drunvalo gave me permission to give what was called at the time : Living in the Heart workshop which later became Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH). My path has also brought me to a wonderful Being: Shin Shiva.
Drunvalo which I got him to meet was considering that He was the greatest kundalini master on Earth that he knew. My life dedication is to help this Humanity to remember Who they are and find the sacred Heart, key to this actual transformation we are in.