Paul Linder

United States
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Contact phone number:
(816) 853-7333
Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher
Hello and welcome again to your own self-discovery! Read on for an introduction to my education in preparation for offering the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to you.
The teaching brought to us by Drunvalo is one of many mystical expressions that I have enjoyed discovering and exploring in this life. I have taken Drunvalo's Flower Of Life workshop which included the basics of Sacred Geometry and the activation of the MerKaBa in the "old way", using 17 breaths, mudras, and visioning. I attended the "Living In The Heart" workshop in 2007 prior to my first "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" in 2012.
I have always been fascinated in how things work and how each one of us has unique combinations of beliefs on which we depend to understand and explain how our own lives function in relation to the reality we're in. I have learned that the beliefs themselves have been the greatest limiting factor in understanding more. I chose to become a certified teacher of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to assist in breaking down the limiting beliefs and support our group awakening of which we are all participants.
The clear memory of lying in my crib as a baby and discovering that I had hands was the first experiential proof that I was not my body (nor still am). The feelings and nerve sensations I felt were part of the physical and emotional body that I inhabited, and were not my real self -- the consciousness that witnesses them. Since then, I have grown to know an objectivity to this dream and am pleased to find anyone else who notices the same. I have found Drunvalo's work to be a coherent explanation of navigating between this dream and reality that is accessible to all who are curious.
Having a conventional college education in fine art and computer engineering taught me how to relate to people from widely varying perspectives and to understand how far too many of us are convinced into living from within our minds.
In 1999, I began studying Attunement and became a certified Attunement practitioner. Attunement is an energy healing practice which focuses on the expression of Being. I have also studied Lakota ceremonies with the Lakota Chief Phil Crazy Bull. Having also studied musical, physical, mystical, and religious subjects I am provided with perspectives to assist you on your own journey of discovery.
If this page feels good to you even in spite of the awkward words I've written here, allow me to assist you through this wonderful AITH workshop. Your guides have led you here for a reason that you will find within yourself. Yes, it's true!
In love,