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Luba Roguleva

Luba Roguleva
ATIH Teacher Certificate

Ekaterinburg, Russia.
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​Contact phone number:
(+7) 978-8267791
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Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher

Luba Roguleva from Russia is a licensed teacher of the workshop "Awakening the Illuminated Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Remembering the heart. I was born in September 1957 in Yekaterinburg, Russia. I go my journey through life under the guidance of Angels and spiritual teachers.

I had a meeting with the books of Drunvalo "The Ancient secret of the Flower of Life" and felt a powerful resonance. My main goal is to help people revive the "Body of Light" by remembering Merkaba. After studying at the School of Drunvalo became the official teacher of 2012.

We can flow through the harmonious waves from the heart and remember how easy it is to live from your Heart. We will activate the Merkaba around the body in the most natural way, using our living heart. Now the time has come when we meet again on our road of Remembering who we are.

The Tiny space of the Heart is the place where the whole creation of the Universe takes place and where share peace in love to all life everywhere.

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