Jason Thomas Hunt

United States
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Contact phone number:
(828) 575-3003
Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Jason Hunt received his ATIH teacher certification on May 11, 2012 after finishing the required training set by the School of Remembering® and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Jason is one of just over 250 people certified world-wide in the School of Remembering® to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® meditation. He was trained and selected by the School of Remembering® Council and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
The ATIH workshop is the culmination of Drunvalo's life work and includes his newest teachings. The ATIH workshop is being given to assist all of Humanity in our ascension. Jason came to Drunvalo's work in 1994 and was led to the Flower of Life and Right Eye of Horus Mystery Schools directly afterward in Jan. of 1995.
From there he came to Drunvalo's direct teaching in the Earth/Sky and Living in the Heart workshops in 1997-2000. He has trained with Ken Page, who is Drunvalo's nephew, being certified in the Heart and Soul Healing method in 1998. Jason is a long time practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga initiate, Sufi Order initiate, and third degree Reiki practitioner and teacher in the Usui tradition.
Jason makes his home in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. He is offering workshops worldwide, having taught people from 19 countries besides the U.S. If you are ready to begin this work, and receive the tools you need for ascension, it is his privilege, honor and great joy to assist you in this time.