Hira Hosèn
Sinai, Egypt
Official E-mail: info@tantraoftheheart.com
Website address: https://tantraoftheheart.com
All Events: http://rideyourlotus.com/
Private Sessions: https://www.tantraoftheheart.com/services
Join us: https://t.me/joinchat/hcm2dguWNlUxOTA0
Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Hira initially came to planet Earth to catalyze the great shift of global awakening. Gratefully holding the light for humanity throughout many lifetimes, she’s been joyfully supporting mass ascension on planetary, cosmic and universal levels of existence. Since our human collective has manifested a split in 2020 in 2 different timelines, she’s now allowing herself to rest deeper in a state of being, actively co~creating and manifesting the new light paradigm, a timeline filled with high vibrational experiences and connections only. Through being, embodying and expressing our true frequency, we channel divine source~energy into our human collective, Earth and the entire universe. In our planet’s soul journey, we’re at the end of several planetary cycles, where we’re all given the unique opportunity to now complete our learning cycles. We can choose to move forwards freely into the next levels of our personal ascension journeys, allowing us to access new areas of being and higher levels of consciousness.
After living for a decade in a Zen Temple in the South of France with her family as an ordained zen nun, Hira is now living in Egypt since 2019, where she’s continuing her work as an ascension catalyst, international meditation facilitator, certified sexual kung fu coach, natural healer, source portal and light language channel. Since 2011, Hira offers in person and online ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart®’ workshops as a certified ATIH (Tantra of the Heart) teacher within the School of Remembering, cofounded in 2011 by Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, USA.
Feel free to connect to Hira directly for online private ascension sessions, light language channeling and activations, sexual kung fu coaching sessions and teachings (women only), sacred initiations and marriage ceremonies, unity~grid and star~gate activations, DNA and source light~code activations, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© guided meditations, Womb Enlightenment MasterClasses©, in person and online Awakening the Illuminated Heart© workshops, BLACK DIAMOND TANTRA© workshops, and more:: Hira's Services
ATIH WORKSHOPS WITH HIRA (click/touch links):
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops are created for you to Awaken your Heart. When we remember how to live from the Sacred Spaces of our Heart, our Life responds with Joy & power and we can activate our living light-body: the Merkaba. These workshops can further assist us in the opening of our third Eye, through practicing ancient techniques which were hidden to our world for a very long time, which we now call the Tantra of the Heart (without partner). We'll also be tapping directly into the Creation Process through the Sacred Spaces of our Heart.
All Hira's events: https://rideyourlotus.com/
Private ascension sessions: https://www.tantraoftheheart.com/services
Hira's personal website: http://www.tantraoftheheart.com/
Stay connected: https://www.tantraoftheheart.com/newsletter
"Do not try to open your heart,
just recognize your Heart is already open.”
~ Hira Hosèn