Gareth adonai
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Contact phone number:
(+49) 8237 953-9345
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Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Gareth works as a spiritual teacher, tour operator and guide and composer. He organizes spiritual trips to Egypt and Mexico & Guatemala through adonai reisen. He offers books, CDs and DVDs through adonai esobücher. He has a music studio in which he produces meditation and relaxation music in 432 Hz according to the rules of sacred geometry, which are sold through his music label adonai records.
In 2006 he founded the adonai merkaba institut in Bavaria to research the coarse and subtle nature of human reality and to disseminate this knowledge through seminars and lectures. His research and background include meditation, Flower of Life, Mer-Ka-Ba, Sacred Geometry, Breathing Technique, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Numerology, Egyptian Alchemy, Crop Circles, Human History, Quantum and Metaphysics, Microbiology and Bioenergy.
Recently his interest in ancient Sumer and Egypt and in the study of time and illusion has increased. He wrote a chapter in the book "Trink Wasser (Drinking Water)" about the "Sacred Geometry of Water" and worked with Eckhard Weber on the book "Der Kornkreiscode (The Crop Circle Code)".
Gareth has held hundreds of merkaba workshops and lectures since 2001, in which he brings his love and humor and passes on his broad knowledge and experience. He had the wonderful opportunity to meet Drunvalo personally in 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2012 and to learn from him in many workshops. It is gareth's wish that through the ATIH workshops everyone can now benefit from this great knowledge and transform themselves into the highest form of themselves.