Darlene Waddell
United States
Email address:
Contact phone number:
(808) 575-5497
Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Darlene is one of approximately 200 worldwide certified teachers of the School of Remembering® who has been entrusted to teach the 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart'® workshop/meditations. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
She is deeply honored and grateful for being given this unique opportunity to be of service to humanity through sharing these sacred teachings during this time of great transformation into higher consciousness.
The ATIH workshop is the culmination of Drunvalo's life work and includes his newest teachings. These ancient and sacred teachings are now being given to assist all of Humanity in our ascension process into higher levels of consciousness. Darlene was first introduced to Drunvalo's work in 1997, while attending the Virginia School of Massage.
In 1999-2000 she was led to his Flower of Life books and the study of sacred geometry. From there, she later came to Drunvalo's 'Living in the Heart' teachings. Darlene has been a practicing RN in the health and healing field for many years, and Drunvalo's 'Living in the Heart' teachings resonated deeply with her, and her work as both a nurse and a massage therapist.
Since 1993, Darlene has also extensively studied the teachings of a Master from India, Paramahansa Yogananda. She has been practicing Kriya Yoga meditation since 1995, as was originally taught & passed down through a lineage of spiritual avatars from Mahavatar Babaji to Paramahansa Yogananda. Swami Sri Yukteswar, the spiritual teacher of Paramahansa Yogananda, gave the 'Unity Breath meditation' to Drunvalo for the ATIH teachings.
The 'Tiny space of the Heart', from where we can truly create our reality in this most sacred place of 'Love & Unity' (which is also taught in the ATIH workshop), was long ago written about in the Upanishads. Darlene makes her home on the beautiful island of Maui in Hawaii. She enjoys kayaking in the crystal blue waters of Hawaii, and she loves to swim with the dolphins. She also enjoys teaching ‘My Intuitive Heart’ classes to children, a program wherein children can learn to 'see', read, play games, etc, without the use of their physical eyes.
‘My Intuitive Heart’ children’s program helps children empower themselves to return to the light within. She has been successfully teaching 'Awakening The Illuminated Heart' workshops locally throughout the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the mainland US, Canada, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia. She is delighted to travel wherever she is invited in the world to be of service to humanity and these sacred teachings.
So if you are ready to begin this sacred journey into your heart, and to receive the 'inner tools' that are needed for ascension, it is her privilege, honor and greatest joy to assist you during this time of transition into higher consciousness. With deepest love 💞 Namaste 🙏🏽 Darlene
Here are a few testimonials given by previous ATIH workshop attendees :
"I am still reveling in waves of light. Mahalo !" ~ SG "Darlene, I am so blessed to have attended your ATIH workshop. I really appreciate your dedication." ~ LZ "Darlene, thank-you for loving me - it feels so good ! This workshop has done me so much good, I'll never be able to thank-you enough." ~ RB "Dearest Darlene, ...thinking of you as this magical day begins to wind down... Thank you for being present and in your heart... Thank you for learning the teachings of ATIH and taking the teachings around the world... Thank you for realizing the light within you, which enables you to see it in others... So much love and gratitude I hold for you, as ATIH and meeting you showed me my light so very clearly... Beautiful day, beautiful blessings to a most beautiful woman living in love and light... Aloha !! Namaste ~ SM