Beverly (Bj) Hambleton

United States
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Contact phone number:
(303) 378-6630
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Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Bj Hambleton, M.S. C.B.S. is one of Drunvalo Melchizedek's original certified teachers. A former college professor specializing in Sociology, she now has a private Quantum Biofeedback practice.
She has been teaching the Awakening the Illuminated Heart course internationally since 2011 and has followed Flower of Life and Drunvalo's teachings since 1999, one day at a time. I do love this work and adore passing this information/experiences on as it feeds my soul.
It is a pure joy to assist each participant to unfold each experience and to observe the integration of all into their being and their every day experiences. Many Blessings and Love!!! from my heart to yours. Bj