Anicha Vos

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Contact phone number:
(06) 533-74467
Website address:
Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Anicha Vos set up a workshop in Amsterdam (Zij aan Zij Ateliers) for people with ‘special abilities’ at 1997 using Art Therapy, that helps them integrate into society. She did this for 6 years.
At the same time giving Belly Dance Performances, (combined with Indian Kathak and Spanish Flamenco) in Amsterdam, Ibiza and Paris for 12 years.
After that she became a Belly Dance teacher, a Raja Yoga Instructor. (during a 4 year teachers training)
Anicha finished Drunvalo Melchizedec’s ATIH teachers training of lifework April 2015 (see books Flower of Life 1 & 2 and Living in the Heart) and gives these 4 day workshops until today. Drunvalo worked together with HeartMath Institute and this is part of the training.
Then Anicha became also a Certified Facilitator for Access Consciousness during 4 years, until 2020, teaching the Bars, the Foundation (4 days) and healing Bodyprocesses.
Since November 2018 Anicha Vos & Marcel Hof started to work together, giving workshops and online course. Combining Marcel Hof’s and Anicha’s speciality’s. (Heart Meditation and Quantum Hypnosis)
Wim Hof, the Iceman, is Marcel's brother with who he trained for more than 30 years.
In the start of 2019 Anicha became a Creatrix Transformologist and a practitioner of The Richards Trauma Proces in Australia.
Using Hypnosis and Creatrix helps her clients solve the issues of past trauma and distressing events.
Anicha studied these aspects to be able to help people with past trauma, for who it's challenging to be and stay in the Heart. Making it possible for people to experience Universe in the Tiny Space of the Heart, to remember how connected we are and how to create from there, that is her calling.
Anicha makes Drunvalo's teachings simple, joyful, profound and accessable to everyone!