Andrea Gabriella Juhász

Official E-mail: andrea.juhasz60@yahoo.ca
Contact phone number: +36 06 30 7330 252
website address: https://www.juhaszandreagabriell.com
Licensed and active ATIH teacher.
My name is Andrea Gabriella Juhász. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to embark on this journey. In 2012, I was in Sedona for the first time at Drunvalo Melchzedek’s "Awakening illuminated the heart" workshop.
I went through a very big experience here. I went through a great cleansing process where the angels cleansed a lot of my heart and restarted my heart chakra. The next day, I passed through my heart into the fourth dimensional universe, without ever having heard from anyone before that it was possible at all.
This experience was so deeply shaken that I felt that I had to pass this knowledge on to others. A went to teacher course at August of 2014 in the Sedona. So far, I have had 29 workshopes with Daniel Mitel's Heart Imagery workshop was done in Hungary.
I am committed to helping my Hungarian colleagues to open their hearts so that they can make a living from their Heart. I don't speak English properly. That's why I live in Canada every year, and I come home to Hungary for at least two months yearly, where I keepeng these courses.
To experience the tiny spase of the heart, the heaven itself, which I am happy to teach with all those who are interested. Anyone interested in the course please apply at my email address or on my website. My email address is andrea.juhász60@yahoo.ca, website: juhaszandreagabriella.com
We are One in the Heart. Much Love Andrea Gabriella Juhasz