Adrian Constantinescu

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(073) 324-5271
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Licensed and active ATIH teacher
Mentor and spiritual pilgrim, Adrian has dedicated his existence to sharing knowledge and guidance to everyone who aspires to have a more conscious, fruitful life, more tuned to the the laws of the universe.
He made the first conscious steps on the spiritual path in the early 90s, when he received the first pranayama and hatha yoga teachings from the former Romanian opera singer, Nineta Crainici. For Adrian, Mrs. Crainici stood as a strong model of modesty and humbleness, doubled by a profound knowledge of the human essence. Her moral example touched him profoundly, and since then on, this model has come to serve as a reference system for his whole life. Further on, the next decade was used predominantly to study inforenergetics, dowsing and bioenergetic therapies.
Architect and professional city planner, Adrian has always been captivated by descriptive geometry, shape and color. The discovery of sacred geometry marked a new stage in his evolution, blessed by his meeting with his next mentor, Drunvalo Melchizedek.
A titan of contemporary spirituality and author of the prestigious work of sacred geometry, The Flower of Life, Drunvalo accredited Adrian as a teacher at the School of Remembering (founded in July 2011). In parallel, Adrian trained in conscious breathing and rebirthing with Dan Brule, one of the most prestigious masters of today in this field.
Since the encounter with Dan, the art of breathing has become one of the main tools of self-knowledge and self-indulgence that he has used in his personal life and which he has successfully applied as an instructor in individual and group sessions.
For Adrian, in the last years, a significant and prolific presence in the field of knowledge has been Daniel Mitel, the two of them being connected even today by a vivid and beautiful friendship. With Daniel, he went through the initiations in Kriya Yoga, Heart Imaging, and various meditations of accessing the Sacred Space and the Small Heart Space.
Other reference names that have chronologically crossed his spiritual path were Andrew Fretwell and Richard Rudd. From Andrew Fretwell, senior instructor in Mantak Chia's universal system, Adrian received the Initiation and Certification for practicing and teaching the Original Feeling Touch method. This method, specific for the healing of the emotional body, was refined by Andrew from the Chi Nei Tsang's Chinese Abdominal Therapeutic Massage Technique.
The Golden Path of the Key Genes System, correlated with astrology, human design and I Ching, founded by the British mystic and poet Richard Rudd, is the latest form of knowledge that Adrian has begun to practice and share since 2014.
Throughout his journey through the world, Adrian seeks to bring to the consciousness of people the way in which, being in harmony with the invisible patterns underlying our lives affects our DNA, our health, families, relationships, and prosperity.
By gathering and correlating information from different traditions and authentic knowledge systems, one of its highest goals is to put people at hand with concrete and sustainable tools to understand what it means to live in the heart and how to build from here a more conscious life, more fulfilling and more tuned to divine will.
The research he undertakes and shares according to the principles of the holographic universe goes beyond the sphere of individual development and extends to the family, community, social and business environment. No form of life or fertility, ranging from cellular multiplication to multiplying business, does not go beyond the fractal laws of the universe, which, nowadays, are evolving towards achieving unity and group consciousness of the human race.
Credentials : - School of Remembering (Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Drunvalo Melchizedek); - Breath Mastery (Consciouss Breathing and Rebirthing - Dan Brule); - Original Feeling Touch (Andrew Fretwell); - The School of the Heart (Heart Imagery and Journeys into the Heart – Daniel Mitel); - Gene Keys (Ambassador’s Program - Richard Rudd); - Heartmath Institute (Licensed Coach) - Trainer, Counselor for Personal Development.