❤️ Awakening the Illuminated Heart 4-Day Workshop
Date and time is TBD
|Location is TBD
HiRa Hosen

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the workshop
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshops are created for you to Awaken your Heart. When we remember how to live from the Sacred Spaces of our Heart, we can activate our living light-body: the Merkaba. These workshops can also assist in opening up the third Eye through practicing the Tantra of the Heart. We'll be tapping directly into the Creation Process ❤️
In 2011 Drunvalo created the School of Remembering®, and his entire lifeʼs work is completed in this new school. In the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshops, we now introduce the next step taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Through his wisdom these workshops can give you a deep experience of your Heart awakening. This workshop can awaken you into remembering who you really are, it guides you into the Sacred Spaces of your Heart. Participation will open up a way for you to remember how all things in creation came into existence, and mostly, your part in this ongoing creation process. And finally, to remember exactly how to enter into ascension and into higher consciousness.
LANGUAGE Although Hira is a Dutch speaking native, this workshop will be given in English to make it more accessible for an international group to join in. Hira speaks fluent Dutch, French & English. If you need translation of certain specific words in Dutch (NL) or French (FR), please ask Hira and she will be happy to translate certain words during the course.
WELCOME Everybody who feels called to deepen their Hearts awakening is very welcome in this workshop. It doesn't matter what background you have, religion or upbringing, whether you have experiences or not in meditation or spirituality, you are very welcome to join exactly as you are ❤️
THINGS YOU NEED You'll need a meditation mask which covers your eyes, a notebook and a pen. Best is a meditation mask which completely covers the eyes, but any relaxation mask will do. VENUE The workshop will unfold in Tamil Nadu, India. Depending on the amount of participants, we will confirm the exact location closer to the date of the workshop, which could include a private residence or otherwise.
ACCOMMODATION We will organize a comfortable and high vibrational space for our workshop, but please know that all other arrangements like flights, lunch and any other accommodations will be for your own organization. Be adviced that we’ll keep you inforned about any necessary changes to our schedule and location, including cancellation of the event, due to various reasons. See our refund and cancellation policy here below for more clarity.
The daily time table for every day of the workshop is: 10AM - 7PM, except the fourth & last day, we will finish exactly at 5PM. Lunch break will be around one and a half to two hours every day.
The workshop fee is offered for €333 for all International Participants, Indian Residents pay 15.555 INR (€175), this is INcl. tax, EXcl. lunch & accommodation, and can be paid directly through this page to reserve your seat:
Deposits of €55,50 are accepted through this same payment link, with the possibility to pay your balance in cash at the start of the workshop. If you prefer other ways of payment (like bank transfer or otherwise), please let us know. You can instantly and securely pay your deposit via credit card and/or PayPal here on this page. You don't need a PayPal account to pay via credit card. You will receive a confirmation email with your ticket right after your payment.
For all inquiries, please feel free to contact us here, we're happy to assist: info@tantraoftheheart.com
Because we count on committed participants, the workshop fees are non-refundable from 8 weeks before the workshop. However, your payment may be applied to a future workshop with Hira or any other current or future services Hira is offering. You may also choose to let one of your friends take your place, in this case just let us know who’s replacing you.
Please be adviced that we’ll keep you inforned about any necessary changes to our schedule and location, including cancellation of the event, due to various reasons. In case of cancellation, everyone will receive FULL refund for the workshop fees, but please know that all other personal expenses and arrangements are at your own risk. INTEGRATION TIME We highly recommend for you to take at least a day free after the workshop if you can, to integrate all the energies that have activated, moved & shifted
PREPARATION/READING We highly recommend to have read Drunvalo Melchizedek's book 'Living in the Heart'. The book is very small, readable in less then 2 days, so if you didn't read it, you can still do this for example by ordering it instantly on iBooks for about €7,- The other books 'The ancient secret of the Flower of Life', volume 1 & 2 are amazing and will further help you to deepen your awakening. The way to activate the Merkaba, as it is explained in these two volumes, has become obsolete so you can skip that part, we will activate our Merkaba in a more balanced way during workshop. The other books 'Serpent of Light' & 'The Mayan Ouroboros' are amazing too, but to be honest, you've got only so much time, so just reading 'Living in the Heart' will be a great preparation for the workshop.
HIRA'S WEBSITE Tantra of the Heart: http://tantraoftheheart.comHira Hosen - Ascension Sessionsrideyourlotus.com
In the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshops you can remember how to move your consciousness through your body, which means leaving your head and entering your physical Heart, to find the Source of Life. You will find your way into your heart, and discover a world as real as this outer world, but more ancient and primal. It is the very source of the world that we are now walking around in.
In this workshop we will practice different exercises and meditations that are destined to open up your Heart. Enjoy the exercises like the white tantric Tibetan exercise, Dancing in the Dark, the Unity Breath and the Meditation of going into the Sacred Spaces of your Heart. Enjoy more exercises like the golden Pyramid healing, the Sufi blessing dance, and breathing Prana together. We’ll also share exercises of the Blue School of Conscious Dreaming through imagery and intent of Claudette Melchizedek. There will be Healing Circles to wash out any emotional & mental trauma’s that could keep you from entering the sacred spaces of your Heart. And much much more.. ;-)
The third day, you can join in on activating the Beams of Light around your head into a Halo, just like people like Buddha or Jesus had. After that, it gets really exciting, for we will share the opening of your third eye by practicing the Tantra of the Heart as part of remembering the complete Creation Process.
From the ancient Creation Process, on the last day, unfolds with total ease and grace your new Heart based Merkaba, which becomes permanent immediately. The Merkaba is your living light body that modern man has long forgotten about. The way it is taught in this workshop is a new form of Merkaba, which was activated for the first time by Drunvalo Melchizedek himself during teachers training in Sedona in July 2011.
This a totally new method of activating the Merkaba from the Heart, while performing the Tantra of the Heart. The ancient way of activating a synthetic Merkaba, as described in the first books of Drunvalo, has now become obsolete and is no longer useful for balanced ascension. The Mer-Ka-Ba, including all possible forms of it in existence, needs to be connected within the body including the Heart & brain with external connections that were not presented in earlier teachings. This is in order for human potential to reach the levels that are necessary for ascension to higher levels of consciousness.
As you will see in these Ascension workshops, love has a power that has long been forgotten. A power so strong that it created the Universe that we live & move around in. IT IS OUR HEART THAT CONTAINS THE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS OF LIFE, and when our Heart is again in control of our life, life responds with Joy and power.
Through the practice of methods taught in the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshops, we are given the opportunity to greatly deepen our path of awakening to our true nature, our true being. When this workshop is completed, you’ll have the inner tools to truly begin the ascension process. You are now ready for the upcoming changes.
"Do not try to open your heart,
just recognize your Heart is already open.”
~ Hira Hosèn
Web: tantraoftheheart.com
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