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Global Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH) Teacher List

Adrian Constantinescu

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Contact phone number:
(073) 324-5271
Website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

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Mentor and spiritual pilgrim, Adrian has dedicated his existence to sharing knowledge and guidance to everyone who aspires to have a more conscious, fruitful life, more tuned to the the laws of the universe. He made the first conscious steps on the spiritual path in the early 90s, when he received the first pranayama and hatha yoga teachings from the former Romanian opera singer, Nineta Crainici. For Adrian, Mrs. Crainici stood as a strong model of modesty and humbleness, doubled by a profound knowledge of the human essence. Her moral example touched him profoundly, and since then on, this model has come to serve as a reference system for his whole life. Further on, the next decade was used predominantly to study inforenergetics, dowsing and bioenergetic therapies. Architect and professional city planner, Adrian has always been captivated by descriptive geometry, shape and color. The discovery of sacred geometry marked a new stage in his evolution, blessed by his meeting with his next mentor, Drunvalo Melchizedek. A titan of contemporary spirituality and author of the prestigious work of sacred geometry, The Flower of Life, Drunvalo accredited Adrian as a teacher at the School of Remembering (founded in July 2011). In parallel, Adrian trained in conscious breathing and rebirthing with Dan Brule, one of the most prestigious masters of today in this field. Since the encounter with Dan, the art of breathing has become one of the main tools of self-knowledge and self-indulgence that he has used in his personal life and which he has successfully applied as an instructor in individual and group sessions. ​ For Adrian, in the last years, a significant and prolific presence in the field of knowledge has been Daniel Mitel, the two of them being connected even today by a vivid and beautiful friendship. With Daniel, he went through the initiations in Kriya Yoga, Heart Imaging, and various meditations of accessing the Sacred Space and the Small Heart Space. ​ Other reference names that have chronologically crossed his spiritual path were Andrew Fretwell and Richard Rudd. From Andrew Fretwell, senior instructor in Mantak Chia's universal system, Adrian received the Initiation and Certification for practicing and teaching the Original Feeling Touch method. This method, specific for the healing of the emotional body, was refined by Andrew from the Chi Nei Tsang's Chinese Abdominal Therapeutic Massage Technique. The Golden Path of the Key Genes System, correlated with astrology, human design and I Ching, founded by the British mystic and poet Richard Rudd, is the latest form of knowledge that Adrian has begun to practice and share since 2014. Throughout his journey through the world, Adrian seeks to bring to the consciousness of people the way in which, being in harmony with the invisible patterns underlying our lives affects our DNA, our health, families, relationships, and prosperity. By gathering and correlating information from different traditions and authentic knowledge systems, one of its highest goals is to put people at hand with concrete and sustainable tools to understand what it means to live in the heart and how to build from here a more conscious life, more fulfilling and more tuned to divine will. The research he undertakes and shares according to the principles of the holographic universe goes beyond the sphere of individual development and extends to the family, community, social and business environment. No form of life or fertility, ranging from cellular multiplication to multiplying business, does not go beyond the fractal laws of the universe, which, nowadays, are evolving towards achieving unity and group consciousness of the human race. Credentials : - School of Remembering (Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Drunvalo Melchizedek); - Breath Mastery (Consciouss Breathing and Rebirthing - Dan Brule); - Original Feeling Touch (Andrew Fretwell); - The School of the Heart (Heart Imagery and Journeys into the Heart – Daniel Mitel); - Gene Keys (Ambassador’s Program - Richard Rudd); - Heartmath Institute (Licensed Coach) - Trainer, Counselor for Personal Development.

Adriana Garavito

Mexico City
Official E-mail:
​Contact phone number:
(+52) 552-7760356
Website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

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I am in service to love from my tiny space of my heart , sharing the wisdom of the teachings of the Heart , the Merkaba ,the sacred geometry and of unconditional love THis is a journey of my soul , and l am blessed to be part of all that is We are one in the heart ! ​

Agathi & Daniel Mitel

Vancouver Island,
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Website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teachers

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Agathi and Daniel are ATIH teachers and they are working very close with Drunvalo Melchizedek within the last 10 years. Daniel co-authored the "Journeys into the Heart" book with Drunvalo, while Agathi is involved in numerous projects with Drunvalo and Claudette Melchizedek. Agathi and Daniel are leading the oldest spiritual and educational school of humanity, The School of The Heart (TSOTH). TSOTH is present today in 31 countries with 195 teachers. Drunvalo Melchizedek is guiding Agathi and Daniel within the new teaching of humanity and Agathi organised the latest conference of Drunvalo with all the ATIH teachers. Numerous ATIH teachers are part of The School of the Heart and are sharing the 9 workshops that are part of the school now. Agathi and Daniel together held almost 1000 ATIH workshops teaching more than 20,000 students how to create from the heart. They are still holding global events helping people to remember who they really are. Agathi and Daniel are invited all over the world for conferences and live talk shows and recently they started a wonderful program at Awake TV where Drunvalo is together with other spiritual world leaders (Claudette, Sai Maa, etc) are going to be invited to share their wisdom. Daniel wrote some of the most important books for spiritual growth of humanity getting already the best reviews on Amazon for "Journeys Into The Heart" and "Heart Imagery" books. His last book, "Melchizedek Teachings" is considered the most updated work about spirituality on this planet. Agathi led couple of the most important projects of humanity (training for "Solar Impulse", "Intuitive Child", teaching business people to create from the heart, etc). Agathi and Daniel are also involved in teaching children and helping them to preserve their power and innocence.

Aguamar Nómada

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Islas Canarias
Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(+34) 662-579479
Website address:

Licensed and active ATIH Teacher

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Me formé en Flower of Life Research, en México, y posteriormente en la nueva manera de acivar el MerKaBa desde el Corazón, con Drunvalo, en julio de 2011. Me encanta trabajar con grupos y acompañar en el proceso de recordar el camino al Diminuto Espacio del Corazón. Me considero Nómada y allí donde haya un grupo de personas dispuesto a Recordar, me desplazo. Me encanta hacer la payasa y transmitir con mucho Humor y mucho Amor, la Alegría es uno de los Caminos más gozosos para entrar al Corazón.

Akiyah Clements​

Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(780) 807-4387

Certified and Active ATIH Teacher

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The heart level view of most of my life can be seen as an oscillation between left brain experiences and right brain experiences until I tried to combine them both by working as a computer analyst during the day and running a massage therapy and Reiki practise in the evenings. What truly brought it together was the discovery of the writings and teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. The teachings contained within “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo gave credence and blessings to both sets of experiences. The balance between both sides of the brain, between the masculine and feminine became the image. After a number of workshops by and inspired by Drunvalo, including 2 Flower of Life (activating the MerKaBa), Earth Sky and an early Living in the Heart, I followed my passion to become a certified Flower of Life facilitator. I was a licensed and active Flower of Life facilitator for 10 years until Drunvalo made it clear that humanity had surpassed the need for those teachings and started training people to teach Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Yet another move towards balance where one lives, breathes and sees from the heart and from that place of Unity utilizes the whole of the brain. The first two teacher training classes did not work out for me, and I was elated when a third was organized and everything fell into place for me to attend. The experience at Lake Chapala in Mexico was yet another life changing plunge into the world as explained by Drunvalo. I am now excited to be able to offer my services as a Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart. There are so many beautiful teachers now spanning the globe, how to know who is the right one for you. Your heart will tell you. Listen!! What I can tell you is that, according to Dan Millman, my birth number is a 3-0 – 3, making my focus in life communication; which is perhaps why I so enjoy offering and sharing this amazing information and experience. Sharing this information and these experiences has brought me close to so many amazing people in this world – I feel totally blessed. I would love to continue the sharing with you if you if you feel drawn.

Alda Esther Gugiato

Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(598) 992-13310
​Website address:
Recordando el Corazón

Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher

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Mi nombre es Alda Gugiato; nacida en 1944 en Uruguay. Madre de cinco hijos nueve nietos y dos bisnietos. Actualmente laboralmente jubilada como profesional de instituciones de la salud. Facilitadora del taller¨ Despertando el Corazón" de la autoria de Drunvalo Melchizedek. Instructora y profesora de Yoga, terapeuta en Medina China, terapeuta en Bioingieneria Cuántica y he cursado varias disciplinas dentro de la medicina alternativa.

Alper Caglayan

Contact phone number:
(778) 883-7013

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

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Love is the Way Home ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ I was born and raised in the beautiful and ancient lands of Turkey, immersed in a very warm and loving culture. At age 17, my Spiritual Guidance brought me to Canada to attend an international school founded for world peace. It's here that my Spiritual Journey has greatly unfolded. I have been greatly blessed to study many spiritual traditions and to have many amazing teachers and loving mentors over time. Among all my experiences, Drunvalo's teachings have always been Closest to my Heart. It's given me the greatest sense of Synchronicity and Guidance in my life and my most Sacred and Deepest Spiritual Experiences. In 1996 I took Drunvalo's first training, the Flower of Life. In those 6 days my life was completely transformed and a whole new direction entered into my being. I decided to quit my electrical engineering studies at that time and to devote my life to following my Heart. I have never looked back and it's been a most incredible and rich life journey. Even in 1996, I could feel in my Heart that I wanted to be a teacher for these most heart-centred and transformative teachings. After 18 years of closely studying Drunvalo's teachings, I'm very honoured to be one of his teachers in the School of Remembering. I'm a registered clinical counsellor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I feel blessed to work in private practice with individuals, families and couples and I am also a counsellor at a local community college. I facilitate Compassionate Communication workshops and practice groups. I delight in sharing these heart-centered teachings with the world. Some of my spiritual and healing studies include being a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shiatsu Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing Practitioner and Attachment Healing Work with Dr Diane Poole Heller. The Spiritual Teachings that have been closest to my Heart include esoteric martial arts practices, I AM Teachings of Saint Germain, Soul Journey and Radiant Rose Academy Teachings, Sufism in particular with a very beloved Turkish Sufi Teacher Serif Baba, and many Meditation and Spiritual Lineages from India. I have found my counselling training and emotional healing experiences as essential parts of my Spiritual Journey as well. In addition to offering Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshops, I regularly have Meditation Gatherings in Vancouver for everyone who is a graduate of this work. This is a wonderful Community where we have a chance to come together in unity and practice together. We are living in Extraordinary Times on Earth. Through Drunvalo's Teachings I have deeply experienced in my Heart that We are Truly One Being and Unconditional Love is the key that opens all doors. One Spirit moves through all things. That Great Spirit is in the eyes of everyone before us. The World needs us to live in our Hearts. The time is Now. I am so honoured to work with people who are attracted to these Teachings. If your Heart is calling you to this, I say Jump in with Joy and Trust. You will be jumping back Home to the most Sacred Place of Your Heart. And life begins a new with infinite possibilities. The Heart knows the Way. ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Website:

Ana Maria Escobar

Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(57) 312-5944082
Website address:

Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher

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I am a human being living this life in the most awaken form I can. I'm a healer, therapist, teacher, artist and jewelry maker. Worked for 7 years in a dolphin and marine mammals conservation project. Since I was 24, I have been trained in Crystal healing, Pranic healing, Reiki, Tantra, meditation, massage, Flower Essence healing, chakras, among other fields. My path with Drunvalo started on 1999. First I took the FOL 10 days workshop. Then I took the Earth & Sky workshops with Drunvalo in different places and years, and the Living in the Heart workshops many times, also in different places. Finally took the ATIH training with Drunvalo in Chapala on January 2012. Currently I help people through healing consultation and design jewelry with crystals.

Ana María Milán

Santiago Chile
​Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(56) 998-999871

Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher

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Madre, abuela, ser humano, mi formación formal fue en Psicología y posteriormente he desarrollado labores en diversas modalidades de terapias bioenergéticas y medicina vibracional. Mi labor se engrandeció con mi formación como estudiante directa de Drunvalo Melchizedek desde 2008. La maestría en Despertando el Corazón Iluminado acompaña toda mi labor y todo mi ser, y desde ahí ofrezco mis dones. Recuerdo mi corazón en todo instante, alli somos Un Sólo Ser con toda la vida a cada instante ✨

Andrea Gabriella Juhász

Official E-mail:
Contact phone number: +36 06 30 7330 252
website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teacher.

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My name is Andrea Gabriella Juhász. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to embark on this journey. In 2012, I was in Sedona for the first time at Drunvalo Melchzedek’s "Awakening illuminated the heart" workshop. I went through a very big experience here. I went through a great cleansing process where the angels cleansed a lot of my heart and restarted my heart chakra. The next day, I passed through my heart into the fourth dimensional universe, without ever having heard from anyone before that it was possible at all. This experience was so deeply shaken that I felt that I had to pass this knowledge on to others. A went to teacher course at August of 2014 in the Sedona. So far, I have had 29 workshopes with Daniel Mitel's Heart Imagery workshop was done in Hungary. I am committed to helping my Hungarian colleagues to open their hearts so that they can make a living from their Heart. I don't speak English properly. That's why I live in Canada every year, and I come home to Hungary for at least two months yearly, where I keepeng these courses. To experience the tiny spase of the heart, the heaven itself, which I am happy to teach with all those who are interested. Anyone interested in the course please apply at my email address or on my website. My email address is andrea.juhá, website: We are One in the Heart. Much Love Andrea Gabriella Juhasz

Andrea Geresdi

Cape Coral
United States
Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(239) 297-9948

Licensed and non-active ATIH teacher

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My name is Andrea Geresdi, I had 2 workshops since I became a teacher, and since I'm inactive, however I'd like to be active again after some refresh.

Andreas Beutel

Dresden, Germany
​Contact phone number:
(49351) 268-4734
​Website address:

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

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Seit 1993 beschäftige ich mich mit Alternativen zu unserer etablierten Weltsicht. Es war 1995, ich war gerade dabei, Physik zu studieren, als ich das erste Mal von Drunvalo Melchizedek in Bob Frissels Buch "Zurück in unsere Zukunft" hörte. Von allen spirituellen Büchern, die ich damals in der Hand hatte, sprach mich die Klarheit der Heiligen Geometrie und der Blume des Lebens sofort an. Ich begann, diese Sprache intensiver zu studieren und wurde bereits ein Jahr später Lehrer für das Wissen um die Mer-Ka-Ba und Flower of Life. Seit 1997 unterrichte ich regelmäßig im deutschsprachigen Raum die Mer-Ka-Ba Meditation zusammen mit der Heiligen Geometrie. Parallel dazu vertiefte ich das Wissen über die Geometrie des Universums immer mehr und stand in regelmäßigem Kontakt mit Drunvalo Melchizedek, als er das Wissen im Earth Sky Workshop weiter entwickelte. Im Laufe der Jahre bildete ich mich ständig weiter und besuchte Kurse zur Geomantie, Harmonik, Globals Scaling, und Quantenheilung. Ich praktiziere verschiedene Wege der Herz- und Emotionalarbeit, Klangheilung, Musik und Obertongesang. ​ 2011 wurden zwei DVDs von mir veröffentlicht über die Blume des Lebens und die Harmonische Ordnung des Universums. 2012 erscheinen zwei Bücher über die Mer-Ka-Ba und die Blume des Lebens. ​ Während am Anfang noch die Geometrie im Vordergrund stand, die mich auch zu Drunvalo geführt hat, verschob sich der Kern meiner Arbeit immer mehr auf die emotionale Seite des Menschen. Ich habe viel mit der Heilung des inneren Kindes gearbeitet, berührende Seminare zur Herzöffnung gegeben und habe seit 2008 verschiedene Wege in die Heilige Kammer des Herzens, teilweise in völliger Dunkelheit unterrichtet. ​ Als Drunvalo 2011 begann, seine Schule noch einmal neu aufzubauen und den neuen Weg der Mer-Ka-Ba zu unterrichten, die direkt aus dem Herzen aktiviert wird, war es für mich ein innerer Ruf mit dabei zu sein. Ich besuchte verschiedene weitere Kurse in Sedona/Arizona, Mexiko, Schweden und Österreich, um als auch den neuen Weg unterrichten zu können. Es ist mir nun eine große Ehre und Herzensfreude, Teil der Schule des Erinnerns zu sein, mit meiner Erfahrung helfen zu dürfen, die Schlüssel und den Weg des Aufstiegs wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen.
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